
dannybcity said:
Comrade Buka said:
“The tertiary butylhydroquinone and dimethylpolysiloxane in the McNuggets probably pose no health risks,” Nestle said. “As a general rule parents shouldn’t feed their children foods with ingredients you can’t pronounce.”

I like the word "probably, very reassuring. Nestlé there's a beacon of truth. :)

Speaking of fat, the only fat I eat is butter and coldpressed oils. Most people would be shocked if they found out how margarine is made.

-- Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:32 pm --

dannybcity said:
Comrade Buka said:
The only person who gets offended by what I have written is someone who feels the need to defend their own habits. If you didn't give a shit about McDonalds I doubt you would react to what I posted.

If you eat at McDonalds and enjoy it by all means keep doing it.

If you don't like what I post, I suggest you don't read it.

As far as salmon, I prefer pan-fried salmon. Wild salmon if possible. Salmon cakes sounds sacrilegious. Who in their right mind minces perfectly good meat to puré?

I'm not the least bit offended by what you say, that's my point! Everyone knows that it's not the best quality food out there, so why do people feel the need to point it out. The majority of this thread is just food snobbery and there is nothing more boring than a food snob with "a passion for food".

Food snobbery? How is not wanting to eat dyxlophenihixtramengalineturbolax food snobbery? Is trying to find alternatives to oil as a fuel, oil snobbery?

That you want to live in denial about what you put in your body is fine. But the more people "don't give a shit" the less options there are for those who want options. Hence, the only way to battle apathy is with information. If I am a food snob in your eyes because of that, then yes, I am a food snob. And a proud one too.

This is why you're a food snob. You seem to think that people who eat McDonalds do so through ignorance whilst you have some information that will enlighten us all like some kind of fast food prophet, we could call you McHammed. I know it's not good for me, same as I know Guinness won't give me a washboard stomach there's no denial here, the difference is I don't care.[/quote]

That's exactly the point my friend. The not caring.

If you lived in a cave in Umbalumba, it would be all good and fine. But you don't, you are part of a society. And your choices affect my choices. Same as my choices affect your choices.

The reason I post what I post is exactly that: The "not caring." Per definition, that is apathy. Look it up. Drug addicts make the wrong choice all the time. Knowing it's wrong doesn't make the choice any better.

Madness of the majority is still madness, brother.
leruzin said:

One of these in town and 100% better than Mc D's . They have offers on vouchercloud and discount if you join them on Facebook .

I went there not too long ago, had a Habanero. Not bad, but not worth nearly £9 for a burger. Could get a nice wodge of lean beef mince from the butcher for that a make enough burgers for us all.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Top stuff if you are ever near one.
Try reading Fast Food Nation. It's basically a book about what goes into McDonalds food. It put me off for a year or so, but I'm back on it. I know it's crap, it's cheap food FLAVOURED to taste natural and nice. They have a lab to create the flavourings. They can make a piece of cardboard taste like a juicy steak.

BUT, it is fast food, it's crap but people still eat it.

On a side note, food aside, McDonalds does have plenty of good points.

The restaurants are clean, hygenic, well cared for. The grounds outside are all well kept, and wherever you go in the world, it's the same. You can walk into a McDonalds in Manchester or Bangkok, California, Beirut (if there is one) and it's the same layout, same system etc.

But yeah, the food's just cheap tat. But I like it.
Bit of wanking tackle for you lads.

scall said:
On a side note, food aside, McDonalds does have plenty of good points.

The restaurants are clean, hygenic, well cared for. The grounds outside are all well kept, and wherever you go in the world, it's the same. You can walk into a McDonalds in Manchester or Bangkok, California, Beirut (if there is one) and it's the same layout, same system etc.

Franchising is wonderful isn't it?

What would the world be without the Pizza Huts, Burger Kings, McDonalds, 7-11s and Subways? The horror...
Comrade Buka said:
That's exactly the point my friend. The not caring.

If you lived in a cave in Umbalumba, it would be all good and fine. But you don't, you are part of a society. And your choices affect my choices. Same as my choices affect your choices.

The reason I post what I post is exactly that: The "not caring." Per definition, that is apathy. Look it up. Drug addicts make the wrong choice all the time. Knowing it's wrong doesn't make the choice any better.

Madness of the majority is still madness, brother.

Well it must be a very boring life not having any vices. I am assuming that you don't for example drink because that would be somewhat hypocritical
It's good hangover food. I had a banging headache once and couldn't face cornflakes or toast. 2 cheeseburgers, fries and strawberry milkshake ensured I felt a million dollars afterwards.

I've eaten McDonalds no more than twice in the last year. It's shit.
dannybcity said:
Comrade Buka said:
That's exactly the point my friend. The not caring.

If you lived in a cave in Umbalumba, it would be all good and fine. But you don't, you are part of a society. And your choices affect my choices. Same as my choices affect your choices.

The reason I post what I post is exactly that: The "not caring." Per definition, that is apathy. Look it up. Drug addicts make the wrong choice all the time. Knowing it's wrong doesn't make the choice any better.

Madness of the majority is still madness, brother.

Well it must be a very boring life not having any vices. I am assuming that you don't for example drink because that would be somewhat hypocritical

On the contrary, brother. I have quite a few vices I struggle with, present tense.

Baby steps, baby steps.

How is it hypocritical to want honest food if you drink alcohol? I believe research is saying over consumption is one thing, but a glass of wine now and then is supposedly healthy for you. Not sure the same can be said about McDonalds.

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