mammutly said:
GStar said:
I'm absolutely fumming!!
I have a ROBLaccess Card which usually entitles me to some form of priority over other bluemoon members when it comes to the sale of jizz soaked items.
I've now got to get up early tomorrow to try and get to the front of the queue for this item against part timers shirt wearers who've only just turned up now theres bodily fluids involved and theres extras involved.
I've been involved in every item or ROBL's clothing sale's since the early rounds and now im being shafted over a barrell because theres jizz involved.
I'm turning my back on ROBL, if he can't treat people right and organise his sales to his own rules then i want nothing more to do with him!
This is still just about the funniest post I've ever read.
I've been involved in every item or ROBL's clothing sale's since the early rounds and now im being shafted over a barrell because theres jizz involved.
Absolutely PMSL
It has to be seen in conjuction with his 'I've just ripped up my Accesscard' hissy fit upstairs for full effect.
Absolutely hilarious thread - the first response by Swales Lives had me chuckling, and it just kept getting funnier.