Now, brace yourselves because... shock, horror... I'm not from Manchester.
However, the last time that I was strolling down Portland Street, I was with my wife and pushing an two year old in a buggy. As we crossed the street near the all-you-can-eat chinese, approaching us were a (let's be kind, here) big-boned lad and in a rag shirt and his (still being kind, honest I am) not-at-all pig-ugly girlfriend. Lardarse spotted that the child was wearing a City top and could hardly contain his glee.
"Ha, ha!" he exclaimed, (pointing into a child's buggy, remember), "could only draw with Blackburn!"
"You do realise, dickhead, that your own team are playing Everton, at this very minute?" I replied.
He dropped his head and they moped on.
I was intrigued by the out-of-towners claims on red cafe though, because that's never been my experience in over twenty-five years of going over at every chance that I can afford. Maybe, it's because we all (blue and red) only see what we want to see? Or maybe it's because I'm never there when United are playing at OT? In any event, from this outsider's experience, the old adage is true. The world supports United and Manchester supports City.