Media bias - yes that old chestnut

Sorry but I am glad this got bumped. Yes we were poor,yes we got what we deserved but the media and there nastiness to our club is really starting to hack me off. It's easy to say don't let it bother you but this is our club that they are constantly putting down. Ruud Gullit,Jamie Redknapp,Jeff Stelling were so obvious tonight it was cringeworthy. At least Souness stuck uo for us a little. Then the commentary of Tyler was just horrendous. He may aswell have just laughed out loud at us. Then Jason frigging Cundy on talkshite...his "Mancini hasn't got it" opening comment saw me screamng at my car radio. Coming from a man who supports a team whos manager is being changed more than a prostitutes knickers.

It is becoming a little tiresome the hatred but I am sure one day we will stick 2 fingers up at them.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Sorry but I am glad this got bumped. Yes we were poor,yes we got what we deserved but the media and there nastiness to our club is really starting to hack me off. It's easy to say don't let it bother you but this is our club that they are constantly putting down. Ruud Gullit,Jamie Redknapp,Jeff Stelling were so obvious tonight it was cringeworthy. At least Souness stuck uo for us a little.

That snide little video package they put together was just as bad, mixing in commentary criticising Mancini with newspaper clippings of our CL/defensive failings (one of them had a "<something blurred out> oil money" newspaper headline next to it too). You'd never ever see another English team in Europe attacked like that, it's usually flag on heart full support. I remember Spurs could do no wrong... brave Spurs, bold Spurs, Harry's warriors... oh Spurs lost to Real Madrid but what a brave showing! Sly TV.
have just read the match report by martin sammuel in the daily mail just fuckin wow have never read a match report like that about any team ever "! truely staggering
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Sorry but I am glad this got bumped. Yes we were poor,yes we got what we deserved but the media and there nastiness to our club is really starting to hack me off. It's easy to say don't let it bother you but this is our club that they are constantly putting down. Ruud Gullit,Jamie Redknapp,Jeff Stelling were so obvious tonight it was cringeworthy. At least Souness stuck uo for us a little. Then the commentary of Tyler was just horrendous. He may aswell have just laughed out loud at us. Then Jason frigging Cundy on talkshite...his "Mancini hasn't got it" opening comment saw me screamng at my car radio. Coming from a man who supports a team whos manager is being changed more than a prostitutes knickers.

It is becoming a little tiresome the hatred but I am sure one day we will stick 2 fingers up at them.
One day? We did it the day we stole the record breaking league champions thunder when the media had us on more than them after winning the FA Cup. And they loved it (proper loved it) when we won the title in May - the media was fucking loving it, it was on none-stop.

Every word of criticism we got tonight, we totally deserved.
Had R5 on in the kitchen just before k.o.

Alan Green said something along the lines of: "Behind Joe Harts goal, there's rows and rows of empty seats in the Manchester City end. A bit disappointing that they can't sell out their tickets for such an important game..."
mrtwiceaseason said:
have just read the match report by martin sammuel in the daily mail just fuckin wow have never read a match report like that about any team ever "! truely staggering

I haven't read it and won't be doing so but I would bet that many many of the "fans" on here would write one much much worse than any reporter has.
danburge82 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Sorry but I am glad this got bumped. Yes we were poor,yes we got what we deserved but the media and there nastiness to our club is really starting to hack me off. It's easy to say don't let it bother you but this is our club that they are constantly putting down. Ruud Gullit,Jamie Redknapp,Jeff Stelling were so obvious tonight it was cringeworthy. At least Souness stuck uo for us a little. Then the commentary of Tyler was just horrendous. He may aswell have just laughed out loud at us. Then Jason frigging Cundy on talkshite...his "Mancini hasn't got it" opening comment saw me screamng at my car radio. Coming from a man who supports a team whos manager is being changed more than a prostitutes knickers.

It is becoming a little tiresome the hatred but I am sure one day we will stick 2 fingers up at them.
One day? We did it the day we stole the record breaking league champions thunder when the media had us on more than them after winning the FA Cup. And they loved it (proper loved it) when we won the title in May - the media was fucking loving it, it was on none-stop.

Every word of criticism we got tonight, we totally deserved.
try the daily mail ever seen a match review like that ?
mrtwiceaseason said:
have just read the match report by martin sammuel in the daily mail just fuckin wow have never read a match report like that about any team ever "! truely staggering

It's his style, you'll never read this from anyone else:

Yet one interesting aside: early in the match, Ajax supporters unfurled two banners. The first read ‘Against modern football’, the second was a broad caricature of an Arab holding out a bag of cash, with a red line through the image.

It was clearly a protest against the influence of new wealth; Ajax preferring the old ways, football grown from the roots up (and kept as a preserve of a wealthy elite).

Yet if a Jew had been depicted in such crude cartoon satire, or a black man, there would have been uproar. Arabs, it would seem, are fair game.

On another night marked by UEFA’s pledge to Unite Against Racism, and amid the undoubted beauty of Ajax’s display, you may pause to consider what constitutes dissent and what bigotry.
mrtwiceaseason said:
danburge82 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Sorry but I am glad this got bumped. Yes we were poor,yes we got what we deserved but the media and there nastiness to our club is really starting to hack me off. It's easy to say don't let it bother you but this is our club that they are constantly putting down. Ruud Gullit,Jamie Redknapp,Jeff Stelling were so obvious tonight it was cringeworthy. At least Souness stuck uo for us a little. Then the commentary of Tyler was just horrendous. He may aswell have just laughed out loud at us. Then Jason frigging Cundy on talkshite...his "Mancini hasn't got it" opening comment saw me screamng at my car radio. Coming from a man who supports a team whos manager is being changed more than a prostitutes knickers.

It is becoming a little tiresome the hatred but I am sure one day we will stick 2 fingers up at them.
One day? We did it the day we stole the record breaking league champions thunder when the media had us on more than them after winning the FA Cup. And they loved it (proper loved it) when we won the title in May - the media was fucking loving it, it was on none-stop.

Every word of criticism we got tonight, we totally deserved.
try the daily mail ever seen a match review like that ?
Don't see what's wrong with it. Just read it all and for it's target audience it's pretty much spot on with language and facts. Apart from Milner every single one of those players was a fucking joke tonight. We looked like Manchester City but not the current Manchester City under Sheikh Mansour, we looked like the Manchester City circa early 2007.

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