Media bias - yes that old chestnut

Anything but fair and balanced imo. Kept getting his digs in all the time which should not be the case from a MUEN reporter.
I fucking hate Spencer.....clueless buffoon.

United fan Brennan defends us more than that clown!
mancunial said:
United players never criticise ferguson!!!! F O spencer that's bollox

laughable mate...i gave up with the manchester evening news many years ago with regard to football it was biased then and still is no matter what brennan/spencer tries to say
Spencer has already set the agenda for the weekend, as did many of the journo's prior to the Ajax game. They start with the 'must win' line followed by 'this is an easy game',

Spencer once again started it stating that we couldn't have asked for a better game and we should be scoring lots of goals. Anything short of a 3-0 win will now be slated.
Rory Smith (The Times) has done a right hatchet job on Mancini today in a double page article entitled "Tinkerman Mancini has left players dazed and confused".

It's the first story after a back page about F1 and takes precedence before the Europa League match reports of Liverpool, Newcastle & Spurs from last night.

He uses the phrase Tinkerman in the same derogatory way the press did with Ranieri at Chelsea. I doubt they'd use that phrase about Ferguson, who has always made changes and has recently changed the whole system of his team. He's recently been quoted as saying:

The diamond is seen as a little revolutionary because it goes against our history, but the level of the game in England and Europe is so high now that making yourself unpredictable is a strength.

Last season on March 24, when we were in the middle of our wobble having blown our lead, the same journalist wrote:

No concept in football is quite so misunderstood as the mind game, that scourge of spring. And in the mind game, only one man is allowed to win. That man, needless to say, is Sir Alex Ferguson.

He starts todays article with the comment:

The Italian used five systems in defeat by Ajax and the pressure is building with a Champions League exit on the cards.
Manchester City’s players have harboured concerns for several weeks over the persistent tactical alterations made by Roberto Mancini, the club’s manager, to the Barclays Premier League champions’ starting line-up.
Although City remain unbeaten in the Premier League and sit in third place, just four points behind the leaders, Chelsea, they have failed to convince in a number of games and their defence — so sturdy in winning the title last year — has consistently looked uncertain.

In the first 8 games of the league City have conceded 9 goals, Utd 11. He then does a feature "Trouble Brewing in the City" which specifically mentions individuals:

Tevez - Highlights Munich (a) and states an uneasy truce has broke out. This is what RM said after the Charity Shield:

I'm very happy because Carlos, this year, worked very well in pre-season," Mancini said. "His form is better than last year and, also, because I think this year he wants to play football. For a player, it's difficult not to play a game. Carlos, last year, was six months without a game, without a match. That's difficult. He's a top player. If he wants to play, he's one of the top.

Ballotelli - Drags up the quote about RM washing his hands with Mario after the Arsenal defeat and infers RM still wants to sell him. There is no mention of the £40m PSG bid in the Summer and RM threataning to quit if he was sold.

Dzeko - If he continues to be excluded, he may seek a move. - Dzeko on Oct 05:
"There's myself and three fantastic strikers so obviously we can't all play at the same time".

"But, as I say, with many good strikers at the club that's how it's going to be. As a player, you accept that and just try your best each time you play.

"That's what I do and will continue to do. I've always wanted to stay at City and fight for my place.

Richards - Frustrated at irregular appearances. - No mention that he played 29 (23 + 6) games in PL last year and has been an ever present since returning from injury in the Olympics.

Lescott - Snubbed RM on Wed and unhappy with restricted opportunities: Lescott said on Sep 24.

The gaffer made it clear that everyone's got a part to play this season, and it was the same last year. It worked for us last year and we need to stay focused on the job, and that's to go into every game to win

Adam Johnson - The quote about limited opportunities for young players. - FFS, he doesn't even play for us anymore.

Yaya - Yaya keen to play in the ACofN - Not sure how that manifests itself as a dressing room revolt?

The whole article was appalling and even worse, targeted 7 players (one of whom is not even in our squad).
The problem is the media have free reign on writing and talking shit because we do NOWT about it! BaconChops goes out of his way to ring these Journo's up and rip em a new one he has his paws in everything that effects his team! I despise the old KUNT but he knows how to deal with the media
What really concerns me and should be of grave concern to our club and owners is that many of the rag top negative bullshit articles are copied word for word on all the sporting pages out here in SE Asia, where there is a huge market for the BPL our club are trying to tap in to.
This part of the world readers tend to believe what they read in the press.

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