Media bias - yes that old chestnut

LoveCity said:
One day before the derby, Star back page. "In a nutshell"...


Dracula and Benny Hill !
Aguero unhappy, yadda yadda. Why don't these newspapers just put the United logo on the front? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... id-1492294</a>
LoveCity said:
Aguero unhappy, yadda yadda. Why don't these newspapers just put the United logo on the front? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... id-1492294</a>
I can't get wound up about it anymore, it's so repetitive it's just tiresome.
The story about us being back for NDJ when he's injured demonstrates the intelligence and motives of our press pack.
They is nothing clever about their approach, I wasn't going to mention the A word as I genuinely think some of them use as easy fodder for column inches rather than being malicious .
We as fans then think the whole media is against us,which they are not however there are some who have serious intentions.
Is there an agenda against us, in my opinion no, are there some journalists who have an agenda against us, absolutely; you would be naive to think not.
Worked this weekend and listened to the game on 5 Live. I Wasn't sure I heard the following right so found the podcast and listened back tonight.

Not going to write what Keown said as he's looks like he thinks to breathe. For example the other week on MOTD he said the the gap was insurmountable and after the game on Sunday on 5 Live he said it wasn't insurmountable. Nor will I include Ian Paynes shit stirring as it's his MO. What made my ears prick up was what the Chief Football Correspondent Mike Ingham had to say.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> 42min 55

I won't argue with his first point about the signings but the second point (apologies for any errors or omissions)...

If I go back over 50 years of great English football clubs, English teams. Every single team I look at and whether it was managed by, think about the managers... Busby/Shankly/Revie/Clough/George Graham/Joe Mercer/Jose Mourinho when he came to Chelsea/obviously Alex Ferguson and Arsene Wenger a decade ago, all of those teams had a collective, had a spirit and the manager nurtured that through their own ability and the players they brought in. They were the sort of managers you'd run through brick walls for. Now City don't have that for me, they don't have it so I look at Mancini.
Walkbustaxi said:
Worked this weekend and listened to the game on 5 Live. I Wasn't sure I heard the following right so found the podcast and listened back tonight.

Not going to write what Keown said as he's looks like he thinks to breathe. For example the other week on MOTD he said the the gap was insurmountable and after the game on Sunday on 5 Live he said it wasn't insurmountable. Nor will I include Ian Paynes shit stirring as it's his MO. What made my ears prick up was what the Chief Football Correspondent Mike Ingham had to say.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> 42min 55

I won't argue with his first point about the signings but the second point (apologies for any errors or omissions)...

If I go back over 50 years of great English football clubs, English teams. Every single team I look at and whether it was managed by, think about the managers... Busby/Shankly/Revie/Clough/George Graham/Joe Mercer/Jose Mourinho when he came to Chelsea/obviously Alex Ferguson and Arsene Wenger a decade ago, all of those teams had a collective, had a spirit and the manager nurtured that through their own ability and the players they brought in. They were the sort of managers you'd run through brick walls for. Now City don't have that for me, they don't have it so I look at Mancini.

Very lazy journalism simply because he does not know, or care to know, what the setup is like at City. You don't win the premier league with players who are not committed to the cause.

The reaction to VK's challenge on 5live was very telling. Straight away it was called " a dangerous challenge" by Mike Ingham.

Paul Scholes makes those sorts of challenges in almost every game he plays in... Only difference being that he rarely gets the ball.
this is a subtle one from the BBC this morning.
The headline says one thing, Silva's actual words say different.

Man City will struggle for title with one more loss - David Silva

Manchester City midfielder David Silva says the club will struggle to retain the Premier League title if they lose one more game.

City remain seven points behind rivals Manchester United following their 2-0 win at Arsenal on Sunday.

United opened up a six point lead over City with a 3-2 win in the Manchester derby last month.

Taking the title
Man City won their last six games of the 2011-12 season to clinch the title on goal difference

"If we lose, then suddenly the gap is 10 points and that is when it gets really difficult," Silva said.

"But if we keep fighting, we hope that they will falter," added the 27-year-old Spanish international.

During last season's title race, City went eight points behind United following defeat to Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium in April but then six consecutive wins - culminating in Sergio Aguero's stoppage-time winner against QPR - saw City win their first title in 44 years on goal difference.

"All we can do, whatever the gap is, is keep going, every game, and put them under the pressure of knowing that if they lose a game or drop any points, we will get closer to them," added Silva.

"That works the other way, of course, too, because if we lose we will get further away, but we cannot think about that. We just have to continue as we are. The league is still there to be won."
The mirror again yesterday was its usual bullshit self. Been covered on the Mike Wedderbun (spelling) thread with thier headlines "hands up for the champions" with a picture of RVP with his hands up but it was the little box on the top right of the backpage that said Mancini rages about the red card.

Now, i saw the interview with Mancini and to say he was raging about the card is 100% factually wrong. he said in a calm voice no it wasnt a red card and we will appeal but to say he "rages" is again them making up shit.

Then you had Sky saying "City win controversial game". What was controversial about it. Red card and penalty was correct.

Also it seems to me, anytime anything happens to a city player that happens most weekends elsewhere, they bring our a rule book and qoute rules of the game trying to justify mistakes made by refs in action taken against us. The 7th minute injury time goal v Utd, Kompanys red card etc
Walkbustaxi said:
Worked this weekend and listened to the game on 5 Live. I Wasn't sure I heard the following right so found the podcast and listened back tonight.

Not going to write what Keown said as he's looks like he thinks to breathe. For example the other week on MOTD he said the the gap was insurmountable and after the game on Sunday on 5 Live he said it wasn't insurmountable. Nor will I include Ian Paynes shit stirring as it's his MO. What made my ears prick up was what the Chief Football Correspondent Mike Ingham had to say.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> 42min 55

I won't argue with his first point about the signings but the second point (apologies for any errors or omissions)...

If I go back over 50 years of great English football clubs, English teams. Every single team I look at and whether it was managed by, think about the managers... Busby/Shankly/Revie/Clough/George Graham/Joe Mercer/Jose Mourinho when he came to Chelsea/obviously Alex Ferguson and Arsene Wenger a decade ago, all of those teams had a collective, had a spirit and the manager nurtured that through their own ability and the players they brought in. They were the sort of managers you'd run through brick walls for. Now City don't have that for me, they don't have it so I look at Mancini.
George Graham's Arsenal, a great team?

If you like pub football.

Ingham's always looked down his nose at us. I remember him commenting on a 4th round FA Cup game v 'Boro in 1997 and before the game he passed comment on how unusual it was to be in this part of Manchester at this stage of the FA Cup, like we were some sort of fucking non-league outfit.

The whole team spirit thing is just lazy journalism. You don't do what we did in the last six games of last season with no team spirit, although if it was us, and not united that had capitulated you can be sure that Ingham would be pointing to it as evidence of his theory.

Fuck them. We're going to have to chase united down and the more comments like this the better, as it's going to make it all the sweeter when we do.

Just like last season.
hertsblue said:
The mirror again yesterday was its usual bullshit self. Been covered on the Mike Wedderbun (spelling) thread with thier headlines "hands up for the champions" with a picture of RVP with his hands up but it was the little box on the top right of the backpage that said Mancini rages about the red card.

Now, i saw the interview with Mancini and to say he was raging about the card is 100% factually wrong. he said in a calm voice no it wasnt a red card and we will appeal but to say he "rages" is again them making up shit.

Then you had Sky saying "City win controversial game". What was controversial about it. Red card and penalty was correct.

Also it seems to me, anytime anything happens to a city player that happens most weekends elsewhere, they bring our a rule book and qoute rules of the game trying to justify mistakes made by refs in action taken against us. The 7th minute injury time goal v Utd, Kompanys red card etc

Ha, you'd think they'd have learned their lesson last season the thick bastards.

The mirror is a rag paper and never has a good word about City, wouldn't wipe my arse on it.
I saw that weasel James Cooper interviewing United fans on the street asking them will they blow a 7 point lead this year and saying to them say no.City should not let this guy James Cooper from sky sports near are ground again.We all know he loves Manchester United Tw**

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