Media Discussion - 2023/24

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Controlling a competition to stop one team dominating isn't actually too bad an idea, otherwise you end up with a German or Spanish league. At the same time the competition organisers should be trying to prevent the situation where clubs fail half way through a season, causing chaos and potentially damaging other teams through defaulted payments etc. A sporting league isn't quite the same as your example because the teams enter the competitions and agree to the terms of them for the chance of winning prize money, the benefits are in both directions. FFP doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing, it's just become something else in England and Europe due to the politics and the power some teams have (or have had).
While i agree in theory the way ffp is structured is doing exactly what you suggested which is controlling it in such a way that a small group of teams dominate
Which is exactly the outcome the big teams of the time wanted.
Little did they know, it would come back to haunt them.
It could be haunting them big-time.
Next time we're in it, with the new way they're running the club world cup, irrespective of any success we have this season, us and Chelsea are guaranteed to be in it and to walk away with a minimum of £54M each.
If we win it, the prize is £114M, I believe.
It'd be funny wouldn't it; the richest team in the world and playing non league football :-)
They kissed the arses of the scousers in the 70's and 80's.
They kissed the arses of the rags in the 90's and the early 2000's.

They don't want us or any other non preferred team anywhere near the top because it prevents them selling their wares to Asia, Africa and yankeedoodleland.

It's a cartel run racket, if the best team always wins then that's what sport is, it's up to the rest to up their game they are all loaded.

It doesn’t but they are brainwashed to think it does.
Thing is nine times out of ten you need money to make it to the top even in amateur sport.

Motor racing, cycling, tennis, golf etc you need money behind you. You can be very good at these sports but to get to the top you need the best equipment which costs a fortune. Do other sports have ffp ? Team Sky were the best cycling team because they had the biggest budget, than other teams. No ffp but other teams are now bigger and better than ineos ( Sky ) not because of ffp but because they sorted big deals and better equipment etc. They didnt try to stop team sky, just went about getting better than team sky !

Football ffp is to stop competition

I guess the point I'm making in a roundabout way is sport has always been about people who had money or good sponsors.

Does the academy come under ffp ?

Sport has done many things over the ages to control ‘undesirables’ from gate crashing their competition.

Athletics, Tennis & Rugby union were obvious sports where you’d be banned if found to have accepted payments or prizes. You can’t tell me that was anything other than creating a barrier of entry to the working classes.
So because now i think they are doomed to failure they are trying to push the tagline that we only got off because we could hire the best lawyers and it wasnt a fair fight.

Two things are wrong with this scenario, firstly the pl have more than enough funds to hire anyone they want IF they believed their case had merit and secondly top lawyers are not prone to taking cases that they dont believe they have a fair to good chance of winning, if they took on losers ad nauseum it would cause them massive reputational damage and they wouldnt be top lawyers for very long.
Don’t forget the premier league has iron clad evidence against city. I am surprised they need lawyers at all. Why didn't the league release the findings of the 4 year investigation? Surly they don’t need a tribunal?

I call and smell…Bullshit.

City would have settled if we genuinely thought the league had nailed us to fraud.
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Don’t forget the premier league has iron clad evidence against city. I am surprised they need lawyers at all. Why didn't the league release the findings of the 4 year investigation? Surly they don’t need a tribunal?

I call and smell…Bullshit.

City would have settled if we genuinely thought the league had nailed us to fraud.
Quite frankly IF the premier league had the evidence they claim to have then this would be a criminal investigation, the fact that it isnt shows they dont
Some wanker that used to play for the dippers is claiming he turned us down a few years ago as no way was he going to "that club". The MUEN has it as a big story. Merseyside and United Evening News.
Pound to a piece of shit - IF the rags are found guilty of breaching PL FFPR rules they will call and emergency meeting of all clubs to change the rules.
And that would be the point to for us to corral the other PL teams to vote against it. Never take our foot off their fucking throats, the Scum twats.
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