Media Discussion - 2023/24

Who doesn't?

Would that be 'anyone who knows what they're talking about'?

I don't know. I have never met anyone from the press like that .....

Edit: This got me thinking of the post below by @Damocles a couple of years ago. An interesting and thought provoking piece and for those reasons, at least, one of the best posts ever on BM. I'm not sure if he has had the opportunity to update his thoughts, but anyone who hasn't read this and, in particular, any journalists reading this (I know you are here) check it out and ask yourself why you have never addressed the issue like this. There is still time. You may even be on the right side of history.
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I listened to it so nobody else has to. It was just a high-level look at multi-club ownership with a bit of a look at women's football (for some reason), all aimed at people who don't know much.

Wasn't a hit job at all but a lot of soul-searching about the place of "feeder" clubs not helped by a quote from someone at CFG saying that clubs need to "know their place" in the hierarchy. Imo, fandom is complicated and can't really he generalised or summarised by two talking heads in five minutes, but it's a point worth discussing I guess.

Personally, the CFG leaves me cold. It's a consultants' wet dream but I am not sure there are huge benefits to the club I actually support that couldn't be achieved more traditionally, tbh. But I am old and tired :)

Edit: They do waiver between saying Mansour owns the club, but then talking about state ownership from the UAE, but then who doesn't? And they keep saying City own load of clubs when we all know all the clubs are owned by the CFG. Not accurate, but journalistic licence, I suppose.
Thanks for posting. I think the globalisation of football is inevitable.It has happened in all other walks of life and has been driven by technology. Football is almost like some sort of new world religion. I have no idea where this will all end but at least the club we all support is currently top of the tree. I understand how you feel about CFG but I suppose, as a long term supporter, I am happy to continue on the rollercoaster for now. As the saying goes most of us don't have a choice. Following City is a life sentence with no parole!
Been forwarded this image by a colleague. Seem to be missing a bunch of players in there from the past. A deliberate attempt to delete our history or lazy journalists?

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