Media Discussion - 2023/24

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Agree the chant of "Never you fault" was intended for the Heysel murders but the Dippers turned it around to Hillsborough , typical of their victim metality, a specific song referring to Heysel is required for all football fans not just us. They should never be allowed to forget Heysel out of repsect for the 39 Juventus fans who died that day , the day Dipperpool place a statue next to their Hillsborough memorial naming all the Juventus fans who died at Heysel they might redeem themselves in some small way , but this will not happen because they are ashamed and want to airbrush Heysel from history.
Agree with all that.

The irony is that club would get respectability back by putting a lasting tribute to Heysel at their ground. Not just in the premier league but in Italy, and other country's too. Own that terrible moment to teach others about the folly of football violence.
There is too much time gone, and too much effort put in by the scousers to edit out that period in their history for this to happen now, though.
Their feelings on this incident were laid bare when they celebrated a trophy parade on the actual anniversary of the tragedy.
If that's not tragedy chanting, what the fuck is??
Agree the chant of "Never you fault" was intended for the Heysel murders but the Dippers turned it around to Hillsborough , typical of their victim metality, a specific song referring to Heysel is required for all football fans not just us. They should never be allowed to forget Heysel out of repsect for the 39 Juventus fans who died that day , the day Dipperpool place a statue next to their Hillsborough memorial naming all the Juventus fans who died at Heysel they might redeem themselves in some small way , but this will not happen because they are ashamed and want to airbrush Heysel from history.
The fact they did their open top bus parade for winning 2 cups on penalties on the anniversary of Heysel just sums that club up and the lack of coverage having the parade on that day in the media also showed how the media are scared of upsetting them
I’m guessing you’re talking about the journalists too there mate, but their supporters definitely.
Have a work colleague who is a big fan of theirs and he’s openly said we are in his head and a lot of their fans, because, to quote “though we win the battles you always win the war”, and “what does our heads in is that you never go away, you never drop off”.

It’s totally the ‘what we could/should have won if it wasn’t for City’ mindset coming out.
I had one the other day saying if uefa hadn't backed them from Europe how many more trophies would they had won. He never came back when I pointed it out why 5hey were banned. Deluded murdering wankers
I mean of course the journalists let their personal feelings form their writing, they’re not robots and they’re not exactly writing about hard hitting serious issues. Also at The Athletic the model is literally ‘fan journalism’.

On Delaney, people wildly overthink it. He trolls City & Newcastle fans as they engage and drive revenue for his stories and thus his employer. He used the same model on United fans, writing stupid transfer rumours to get clicks until they universally ignored him and he looked for and found a new cashcow.

I don't believe only robots can be impartial. It's genuinely not difficult to write a fair piece.
Agree the chant of "Never you fault" was intended for the Heysel murders but the Dippers turned it around to Hillsborough , typical of their victim metality, a specific song referring to Heysel is required for all football fans not just us. They should never be allowed to forget Heysel out of repsect for the 39 Juventus fans who died that day , the day Dipperpool place a statue next to their Hillsborough memorial naming all the Juventus fans who died at Heysel they might redeem themselves in some small way , but this will not happen because they are ashamed and want to airbrush Heysel from history.
English clubs banned from Europe
And it wasn't your fault!
Natalie Pike on 5 Live this morning completely demolished the Dipper mouthpiece. Ridiculed the Arnold statement, criticised LiVARpool for enflaming the situation due to the previous bus 'issues'.

Well worth listening to from about 1:20.

Its the fact that we allow them use hillsborough as a get out of jail free card every damn time, yes it was sad that it happened, it was sad that bradford happened, it was sad that heysel happened, it was sad that ibrox happened, the fact is that it shouldnt give them a shield to hide away from being absolute thin skinned cunts and throw it out as and when it suits them. They are a tiny little insignificant city with a big mouth and little man syndrome and thats all they are and all they ever will be, it eats away at them knowing that they are stuck in the 80s and will never leave, so they shout, they bleat, they crow about being scouse but the first thing that any scouser does when they make it big is fucking leave the dump. Its all talk and thats all it ever is and you only have to look at taa for that, city are probably more successful, no you moron city are demonstrably more successful and all the scouse yap will never change that.
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