Media Discussion - 2023/24

Thank you Natalie Pike for putting that dipper and the BBC presenter in their place about Tront inciting fans before the game.

The dipper can only retort with the marketing slogan. Went full cult in defence.
That is about the only decent podcast i have heard for days , Natalie did us proud , when other City pundits like Onuha have fucking curled up and let the Dippers pundits trample all over us , City pundits and fan representatives genrerally really are lightweight , just like our PR dept at the club.
If any of these f*ckers showed the passion of our terrace support we could maybe alleviate the constant criticism and attempted piss taking of our club
Invite back Mike Summerbee to Sky , he wouldnt take any shit from Spitcarragher.
Genuine question, why do journalists have such a high opinion of themselves?

Henry Winter said to Sean Custis something on the lines of "we are in a bubble away from the real world."

Sorry but what bubble exactly are you in other than one contained by your own delusion Henry? Not that it matters but journalists aren't paid much so how are they not connected with the real world?

Henry Winter lives in a bubble… a world where he’s an intellectual and people think he’s important. One day he may have to confront reality that he’s an egotistical no mark.
Henry Winter lives in a bubble… a world where he’s an intellectual and people think he’s important. One day he may have to confront reality that he’s an egotistical no mark.

But surely journalist need to have their finger on the button so to speak. What is the point of living in a bubble and ignoring the real world ?

No wonder so many lies and bull shit is written in support of the dippers and rags
Thank you Natalie Pike for putting that dipper and the BBC presenter in their place about Tront inciting fans before the game.

The dipper can only retort with the marketing slogan. Went full cult in defence.
Its a weird thing isnt it that they think a marketing slogan has any semblence of truth, how stupid are they
Agree the chant of "Never you fault" was intended for the Heysel murders but the Dippers turned it around to Hillsborough , typical of their victim metality, a specific song referring to Heysel is required for all football fans not just us. They should never be allowed to forget Heysel out of repsect for the 39 Juventus fans who died that day , the day Dipperpool place a statue next to their Hillsborough memorial naming all the Juventus fans who died at Heysel they might redeem themselves in some small way , but this will not happen because they are ashamed and want to airbrush Heysel from history.
Whatever we sing they will twist to meet the new term of tragedy chanting. Best way is on the 39th minute to just sing stand up for the 39. It will at least get the uneducated aware of what happened. Sang at games against them will beg the question why the Scousers don't sing it. Because there is no chance of them joining in.
I had one the other day saying if uefa hadn't backed them from Europe how many more trophies would they had won. He never came back when I pointed it out why 5hey were banned. Deluded murdering wankers
Every set of supporters are one-eyed, but a lot of them seem to take it that bit further.
Natalie Pike on 5 Live this morning completely demolished the Dipper mouthpiece. Ridiculed the Arnold statement, criticised LiVARpool for enflaming the situation due to the previous bus 'issues'.

Well worth listening to from about 1:20.

Well said Natalie
The fact they did their open top bus parade for winning 2 cups on penalties on the anniversary of Heysel just sums that club up and the lack of coverage having the parade on that day in the media also showed how the media are scared of upsetting them
What was also noticeable was the last 2 years they have played a match on the eve of the heysel anniversary ( one ironically a European cup final) and on both occasions failed to wear black armbands in respect. Contrast that that to whoever they play in April will be subject to the minutes silence , black armbands and all the emotional guff that goes with the day

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