Media Discussion - 2023/24

Interesting 'City bending the rules" piece by Herbert in Mail on Line.
Almost like he's disappointed not to have received his letter yet.
I’ve just scrolled all the way down the Mail football page and can see no sign of Herbert’s piece. Perhaps he had a visitor in the night
Herbert is at it again in the Mail.

Only saw the headline but he's arguing these new rules will stop the accounting gymnastics that the club has been doing - apparently.

Yet the club will still let him in and lay on hospitality for people like him.
Claims that we're owned by a sovereign wealth fund too, something that is demonstrably untrue. If Tolmie's tweet is anything to go by, he could be receiving a nice letter very shortly. I can't help but conclude that the club's hands-off approach with the media has ultimately failed.
Journos should be like VAR…you can’t “referee” your hometown heroes, because of the inherent bias!!
Paul Hince seemed to manage okay writing for the MEN. Blue through and through, but remained relatively objective. Alright, mainly because we were mostly shit, but that's not the point.
Claims that we're owned by a sovereign wealth fund too, something that is demonstrably untrue. If Tolmie's tweet is anything to go by, he could be receiving a nice letter very shortly. I can't help but conclude that the club's hands-off approach with the media has ultimately failed.
I don't think the club has failed. They've given these clowns enough rope to hang themselves with and they gleefully took it. There will be a few absolutely shitting themselves right now, and it serves them right.
You were having a tantrum that the BBC keeps having to remove your posts from the chat function that is moderated by kids straight of out uni that wish they did a different degree…

Some people might argue that as a presumably grown adult you should look closer to home as to why you keep posting things that need to be removed.

Just to point out that the days of bored kids running social media and moderating comments are long gone. It's a very serious and professional industry with a ton of statutory requirements
The other point of view to "the club has failed" is that, we are currently champions of everything and have overtaken almost every other team on the planet in terms of support and online following. We haven't failed in our approach to the media as a whole, we have very much succeeded.

Did anyone really think that the red tops would just let a club come along and sweep everything away from them without a concerted effort via the media and other channels to stop it? It's not personal to City, it's just the very essence of a cartel. They will never stop trying and we will never stop fighting. But we have and will never fail.
Just to point out that the days of bored kids running social media and moderating comments are long gone. It's a very serious and professional industry with a ton of statutory requirements
And yet the BBC continues to allow posters to besmirch our club whilst removing benign comments from City fans.
Just to point out that the days of bored kids running social media and moderating comments are long gone. It's a very serious and professional industry with a ton of statutory requirements
Lol, the only requirements seem to be, allow anti city slop to pass through like a bout of the Ertha Kitts but bar any pro city common sense
I don't think the club has failed. They've given these clowns enough rope to hang themselves with and they gleefully took it. There will be a few absolutely shitting themselves right now, and it serves them right.
I hope you are right and I think we will see in the fullness of time. That said, the club has had a very light touch towards these parasites for the past decade-and-a-half in the hope that their views eventually evolve. I haven't seen any evidence of this, so I'm pinning my hopes on them playing the long game.
Having glanced at the article, I’ll retract my earlier comments on another thread about the mood music changing in the press lately.

The body of that article, headline apart, is surely the wrong side of the line, and tellingly Herbert questions the opaque accounting practices of one club who opposed these changes, and not the most notable other, despite the latter being registered in the Cayman Islands and benefitting from the lax regulatory regime of the State of Delaware, a club that he describes in somewhat virtuous terms, despite the putative ambit of the rule change, as a ‘revenue generating juggernaut’.

That is actually beyond parody.
I think people like him are living in their own small bubble where United and Liverpool are still relevant.
Just been on holiday in Almería and the sport shop had four football shirts. 3 Spanish clubs and City. Posters in another shop were of the Beyonce, the bloke from Peaky Blinders, type.
Only 4 footballers. Messi, Ronaldo, Bellingham and Haaland.
The reality is that due to our continuous success, big clashes against Madrid, and having Erling leading the line, box office. And our revenues reflect that.
Time and poor performance gradually eat away at history. No-one considers Wolves, Portsmouth or Huddersfield as historic clubs anymore. United are worried that another decade of poor performance will render them anonymous.
And this will apply to us too as it should. In Spain only Madrid is insulated permanently due to their huge number of armchair fans.
The TV money being distributed the way it is keeps them safe. But Barca have managed to squander that shared advantage. Despite that they remain a force in La Liga.
As someone who started watching football in the late 60/70s, where all sorts of teams won the league, in principal I don't mind the EPL spreading the dosh around. However given the hyper capitalist nature of the modern world I don't think that will be the outcome of any changes brought in. In addition if it was English teams would struggle against their European counterparts.

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