Media Discussion - 2023/24

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it was ramsdales quotes that got me, we know now how to beat city, if you're relying on a silly amount of injury time and a penalty shootout to beat a city team that were playing at half pace then you're going to be in trouble this season.
Perhaps Ramsdale can show us all his winners medals.
Another gobby Tarquin but as the saying goes an empty vessel is a loud one
Being an FOC (Fairly Old Chap?), my eyesight is not too good and I don't own a cinema-sizes TV. When the camera appears to be filming from the nearest airport, I often cannot make out the shirt numbers and rely on the commentator to identify the player on the ball. However, all too often, Waldorf & Statler are discussing what colour to paint fencing or their favourite cake. I expect they must get irritated when a goal is scored and they have to break off!
I understand that! You've got a few years on me but I do struggle to recognise the players sometimes. With the camera angles and kits that are sometimes used. I know some people don't like the radio commentary that's done by Ali Mann on the city so but damn do I find it better than anything else available...
He may talk about but you know what's going on and they're usually fair when opposition do something good or we fuck up....

Is 36 too young to apply as an foc?
I wonder if they would have done something similar if City had won it?


Didn’t Leicester beat us once in the Charity Shield??
Cant remember the game gooners lost 3-nil ? at home and the gooners walked out on a team that finished second in the league. Once the fans knew they had lost the league instead of staying and thank their team for a great season. The fans turned their backs on the team and walked out.
Thats right. When Brighton beat them. It was pathetic from them.
Agree with you.

Wasn't at Wembley yesterday due to our usual group either being on holiday, having other family commitments and, of course, the protest against the original kick-off time/supporting the food banks campaign.

Watching on ITV was a salutary reminder of why I love being at the game itself rather than depending on television/radio commentary.

Matterface is just a monotone drone; dull, dull, dull; duller than the dullest ditchwater.

And Dixon might've been a pretty decent full-back in his day but an insightful expert he certainly is not. Like you I rolled my eyes when he mentioned that he 'doesn't do formations' (I mean, what is the point of you being there then Lee? Goodness sake, it's your job to explain such things!)

It wasn't long after that he called into action the old commentators' favourite (yawn!) when suggesting Arsenal might 'leave a foot in, to let City know they mean business'.

Dreadful commentary all afternoon. Any road up, I'll stop whingeing on about it and finish off completing our squad's application forms to enrol in Chloe Kelly's 'How To Take Penalties' summer school course..
Absolutely right. The commentator just drones on about meaningless stuff and Dixon was shocking. The only thing of interest he said was about how Erling was making runs but his team mates not passing. The rest of the time he was trying to be the funny man or was talking about the Arse all the time.
I think this co commentator race to the bottom started with Mark Lawrenson who seemed to think viewers tuned in just to hear him and his shite puns.
I am going to watch with the sound down in future
Someone on here earlier said that Twatterface used to hang out the back of Natalie Sawyer.

1 that as broken my heart

2 he needs arresting for spiking the poor (gorgeous) girl
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