Media Discussion - 2023/24

Ferguson achieved a good measure of his success by bluster, bluff 'n bullying, but somethings and a good number of people, thankfully, refuse to kow-tow and be bullied on certain issues, and I think this is one of them. And no PR machine will be able to throw a cover on it and say "Nothing to see here!'
Interestingly ,Jordan on Talkshite was at pains to emphasise he had not been found guilty of anything,unlike our CAS verdict.Absolute prolonged vendetta against our club.
Interestingly ,Jordan on Talkshite was at pains to emphasise he had not been found guilty of anything,unlike our CAS verdict.Absolute prolonged vendetta against our club.

Jordans only opening is that we did pay a fine....ergo we must have been guilty for something. He is a simple Xenophobe when it comes to Arabs but was comfortable to take their hospitality in Qatar last December.

I believe what really irks him is that our owners are 10X the businessmen he purports to be!
No spin or PR would have deflected from the recording and photos that were released. Anyone trying to bury it would have ended up destroying there own credibility and put them straight in the firing line including Ferguson.

No doubt many within united were sat there thinking how they could protect a £100m asset (many club officials would do the same) but the majority of most clubs fan bases would want him gone and it would have been a turkey shoot from the media.

Suspect he will end up in France. Obviously a view within the club from some they might be able to hold onto him and it would blow over before they saw sense - would not like to guess which side of the fence Ferguson sat.
I think Ferguson’s nose for these things was generally sound. He got rid of Whiteside, McGrath, Ince and Beckham at (there or thereabouts) their peak (and was criticised for so doing at each respective time) because he felt (correctly) that they were bad for the wider atmosphere in the dressing room, and/or were a distraction from (and for) the rest of the squad. I’m pretty sure he would have recognised this in Greenwood. Whatever he was, he was a streetwise survivor and that instinct would have given him the good sense to get rid well before this pitiful testing of the waters by the club.

As you say, it was clear to anyone applying common sense to the evidence that was in the public domain that this case was distinguished from others involving allegations of sexual offences against footballers, and the way united have acted in relation to this is all in keeping with the amateurish way the club is run under the Glazers, who are grossly incompetent in a way that sometimes defies belief. It’s actually not impossible for me to conceive that they are deliberately sabotaging the club, such is their catalogue of, and talent for, failure.

The lack of criticism that club gets in the media for things City would be publicly flogged for (FFP ‘minor’ breaches’ being the apotheosis) is an absolute fucking disgrace.

In fact, ironically enough, given the turn of debate in this thread, relative to their success and the application of their considerable resources to try and achieve it, the way the club is reported in the press today is far more egregious and tendentious than when Ferguson was at the helm.

They are a basket case of an organisation who are afforded a level of respect in the media that is wholly unwarranted.

Fucking clown car cunts.

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