Media Discussion - 2023/24

BBC NWT giving Klopp a dedicated segment each night this week to mark his farewell. Last night's focus was his connection to the local community - his "adopted city", as they call it. Tonight it's his "football legacy". All arse licking interviews and brown nosing. Might as well move the programme from Salford to Dipperland, the amount of coverage they give them lot.

Glad when he is gone permanently! He is a moaning big headed bully and all that with the media sucking him off for 9 years
I've been living here for 17 years and can say there's definitely more City fan's knocking about these days, especially young football fans. Liverpool, Chelsea and the rags (to a lesser extent) are still the most popular with blokes in the 40+ category, so I get the same usual horseshit repertoire of City bingo card criticisms thrown my way that you boys and girls get from the ill-informed/envious back there in the UK. Twas ever thus!
Just as an add on, we stopped off on the way back to our hotel and ended up in a trendy music/cocktail bar. We upped the average age by at least 25 years but the bar tender knew everything ‘City’ and was asking about ticket prices etc. I’ve been fortunate to travel to various countries over the years and there’s such a huge increase in the awareness of the club these days.
IMO the only “failure” of Sheikh Mansour’s ownership has been a very naive approach to vitriolic media coverage and not building a positive public image of the club. Once Garry Cook departed, we had a senior leadership team who were outsiders to the local media scene and the tight networks of pundits, “journalists” and commentators - who were skilfully mobilised against us by our rivals. We stood aloof focusing on our plan while they systematically trashed our reputation. Everything else the club has done has been superb, but this has been a clear mistake.
It’s not too late, a good PR agency and media relations/public image team could repair most of the damage done. The point when we are cleared of these ridiculous charges would be the perfect place to start the turn-around.
That's a great post with strong analysis and I also once felt the same way, that the biggest mistake was not investing in the media.

However, in hindsight I don't think it would have made a blind bit of difference if we would have developed a robust PR and bought a media outlet.

Why? Because Sheikh Mansour is all about the long game. His vision was to create the best football team on the planet (which by default would be the best in Europe and Britain) with the most stable and dynamic infrastructure in world football.

MCFC were never going to get away from the scrutiny and attention of the British Press and the broadcasting media. Remember how they laughed at "the project" and mocked our academy. It was almost tongue in cheek to begin with and once the Pisscan started to reference "the noisy neighbours" things started to change.

The signs were there for all to see and the project was developing at pace which created a sea change within the media where the mocking was replaced with synisism and caution.

This was no laughing matter and the historical top four were in danger of being nudged out.
MCFC were essentially up against the full force of the English Premier League and their lackey mouthpieces in the media.

We were never going to compete with that and the good news is we don't have to.
They will despise our success and cry foul. They will call us cheats and say we're moraly bankrupt in the hope that sticks and stones will halt our progress.

However, the disparity between our continued success and their vitriol opinions will be plain for all to see and highlight their increased heresy.

Eventually the dust will settle and a new dawn will bring a fresh cohort of opinion with a more organic brand of journalism.
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We can but hope but we know the media and it’s not changing… we win two more games this season we win two more trophies and boil more piss with opposition fans, media etc… they can say and print what they want but we’re winning although it niggles the main point is the bbc have now taken to ignoring us… at their peril… city are a machine… will be loud and proud Sunday just as we were at Fulham… was there too lost my voice again… been to six away and all home games this season (plus Wembley vs Chelski and for final) … need to be loud and proud whatever comes Sunday ⚽⚽⚽⚽
BBC NWT giving Klopp a dedicated segment each night this week to mark his farewell. Last night's focus was his connection to the local community - his "adopted city", as they call it. Tonight it's his "football legacy". All arse licking interviews and brown nosing. Might as well move the programme from Salford to Dipperland, the amount of coverage they give them lot.

He’ll probably never set foot in Liverpool again after he leaves.

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