Media discussion - 2024/25

Why do people, City fans, believe the 659mill fans bullshit created by United and their PR department. There is no evidence of that figure at all or how to prove it. Yet the Football media take that figure as gospel and lap it up. Bullshit!
Why do people, City fans, believe the 659mill fans bullshit created by United and their PR department. There is no evidence of that figure at all or how to prove it. Yet the Football media take that figure as gospel and lap it up. Bullshit!
I think City fans are quoting it ironically. I don’t think any reasonable, rational person believes that figure
based on current population figures that would make almost 8.5% of the worlds population rag fans, given that tickets are plentiful at the swamp and they arent the most watched team on tv what do you think the likelihood of that actually us, even taking out those things from just a pure logic standpoint even if you define fan in its broadest possible terms what do you think the likelihood of 8.5% of the whole world supporting one team who had a decent period in the 90s and 2000s and in the 90s and has been largely anonymous in the intervening years.
A respected football marketing observer on Twitter put the figure even higher recently. He quoted 1.3 bn for Utd , 1bn for LFC, and 700m for Arsenal - he was quoting from a report but can’t recall the details.

In other words 3bn between them. That’s over 1/3 of the planets population, aged from 1 minute old to 110 years !!

Mind boggling these marketing idiots can produce this garbage.
The level of stupid that this statement expresses could only be attributed to talksport and i would say i hate that it exists but it holds a very important function much like the swamp and klanfield it holds all the stupid and deluded in one place and makes it easier to avoid them.
Yes, it's like the cheapest pub in the local area.
All the piss-heads, simpletons and ranters go there to put the world to right.
Let them all gather there and rant on to their hearts content...
Yes, it's like the cheapest pub in the local area.
All the piss-heads, simpletons and ranters go there to put the world to right.
Let them all gather there and rant on to their hearts content...

"And next we have Ian from Clacton-on-sea who's a Manchester United fan and he thinks united need to give ten hag more time as managing united is different from all other jobs in that right Ian?..."

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Why do people, City fans, believe the 659mill fans bullshit created by United and their PR department. There is no evidence of that figure at all or how to prove it. Yet the Football media take that figure as gospel and lap it up. Bullshit!

The most successful part of the rag shitshow is their PR department without any doubt. Built on solid bullshit and hype.

And paying the media whores ensures that their profile is always positive despite the rotten core of their actual affairs.
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Are they not completely fucked for UEFA PSR anyway? If they just scrape through the PL, they must surely fail UEFA by a lot?
The new FFP maximum allowable loss is €60m over 3 years, plus a squad cost ratio of no more than 80% of revenue (for the current assessment period). There's an additional €10m a year loss allowed if a club isn't subject to sanctions or a settlement agreement.

Given they were fined by UEFA, that might be a problem if or them but let's assume they'll be OK. So that's a maximum allowable loss of €90m over the preceding 3 year period. That equates to just over £75m, which is £30m less than the PL's maximum £105m, meaning they'll need to find £180m in allowable deductions to meet FFP.

Even if they can fiddle their way through PSR, I doubt UEFA will be equally accommodating over some of their dodgier claims.
No mention of United’s losses last season and the 2 previous seasons before last season.. Or the 1/2 billion pound debt.

Sly Sports, United updates.

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This just proves (not that we don't already know) how thick Delaney is. He has absolutely zero understanding of the numbers or rules, but thinks united will be ok "... because of the huge amounts of money the club generates each year". Fuck me.

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