Media persecution of Raheem Sterling

BBC sport website has a story on the idea of introducing 'sin bins' for players shown yellow cards. Guess who is being shown a yellow card in the picture next to the headline?
I believe that Raheem has abandoned his lovely family today to go on some rowdy "lads jaunt" with his mates to London.

This continued outrageous disregard for decency and family values MUST BE STOPPED!
I've written about all of this for Unibet. Would appreciate your thoughts everyone.
Wonderful stuff Toma.Even better to not fall into the trap like some Blue Mooners mate and not play the "racist undertones" card.Yours should be sent to every leach within the media,but knowing them fuckers it would be soon turned into a headline resembling his abode now becoming a brothel so the local doggers can nip in to his house and have a quick wank.
I believe that Raheem has abandoned his lovely family today to go on some rowdy "lads jaunt" with his mates to London.

This continued outrageous disregard for decency and family values MUST BE STOPPED!
I heard he's cadging a free lift down in a private bus despite earning squillions an hour as well the tight fisted ****.
Disgraceful that Sterling couldnt even be bothered playing a full 90 minutes despite earning fasands and fasands of pounds a week.

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