Media persecution of Raheem Sterling

Was thinking about this and how to stop it stone dead.
Why not at PEPs next press conference let the daily star ask the first question with the eyes of the world watching then get pep to blank it and start talking about sterlings love of Gregg's dirty cars ,dogging sites and just humiliate them with the whole worlds media laughing at them???
I heard he's cadging a free lift down in a private bus despite earning squillions an hour as well the tight fisted ****.
7 cars in his 3 car garage (?) worth a total of £3,500,000 and he gets the bus taking the place of a one legged old age pensioner lesbian refugee, disgusting.
7 cars in his 3 car garage (?) worth a total of £3,500,000 and he gets the bus taking the place of a one legged old age pensioner lesbian refugee, disgusting.
That was a nice article about him from the mail though.
7 cars in his 3 car garage (?) worth a total of £3,500,000 and he gets the bus taking the place of a one legged old age pensioner lesbian refugee, disgusting.

Not sure certain publications would consider him taking the seat of a lesbian one legged immigrant a bad thing!!
media notice Sterling moves an inch.

This is getting a bit weird now. The other week he was getting grief for shopping at Poundland, today The Mail are having a go at him for having three garages in his new house. Won't link to the article, but pretty sure no white footballers are subjected to the same scrutiny. It's all a bit sinister.

Yet the same 'newspaper' today are lauding Pogba for saving 600k on the house he's buying.

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