Media persecution of Raheem Sterling

Yet the same 'newspaper' today are lauding Pogba for saving 600k on the house he's buying.

Classic diversionary play by the Fail. The tabloids do it all the time. Hammer the shit out of a particular person until the point that a backlash might be on the cards and then "target" a different person in the same field in order to "demonstrate" (for legal purposes) that they weren't singling out their original victim. The Sun did it in the summer after the Euros. Pitched into Sterling non-stop for not caring about England and then a week later did a feature on Deli Alli larging it in Ibiza the moment we were knocked out of the tournament. The Fail did it a couple of years back as well when they disgracefully stuck a zoom lens into Jesus Navas' open suitcase at Manchester Airport and sneeringly itemised the cost of all the items therein, and then when objections were raised about this gross invasion of privacy, did the same thing to Agent Moyes, only this time the only item they focussed on was a strategically placed copy of Taggart's autobiography, which they duly wanked over. They know they've gone way too far now on the Sterling house saga, hence today's "equalising" article on Pogba. The media are fucking cnuts mate
Classic diversionary play by the Fail. The tabloids do it all the time. Hammer the shit out of a particular person until the point that a backlash might be on the cards and then "target" a different person in the same field in order to "demonstrate" (for legal purposes) that they weren't singling out their original victim. The Sun did it in the summer after the Euros. Pitched into Sterling non-stop for not caring about England and then a week later did a feature on Deli Alli larging it in Ibiza the moment we were knocked out of the tournament. The Fail did it a couple of years back as well when they disgracefully stuck a zoom lens into Jesus Navas' open suitcase at Manchester Airport and sneeringly itemised the cost of all the items therein, and then when objections were raised about this gross invasion of privacy, did the same thing to Agent Moyes, only this time the only item they focussed on was a strategically placed copy of Taggart's autobiography, which they duly wanked over. They know they've gone way too far now on the Sterling house saga, hence today's "equalising" article on Pogba. The media are fucking cnuts mate

No doubt the media are reptiles of the highest order and I would also agree with you that the two articles are very similar in content.

It is interesting though how Paul Lakes Tongue has viewed the merits of the two articles. One he has seen as a critique of a City player and the other article (me and you both think are similar are in your words 'equalise out' the Sterling article') as a positive portrayal of a United player.

I very much doubt the saving of 600k followed by a reference to adding up to about two weeks wages of Pogba would be seen as anything but a slight against a City player.
No doubt the media are reptiles of the highest order and I would also agree with you that the two articles are very similar in content.

It is interesting though how Paul Lakes Tongue has viewed the merits of the two articles. One he has seen as a critique of a City player and the other article (me and you both think are similar are in your words 'equalise out' the Sterling article') as a positive portrayal of a United player.

I very much doubt the saving of 600k followed by a reference to adding up to about two weeks wages of Pogba would be seen as anything but a slight against a City player.

How we would see it in isolation Frank is neither here nor there though. The comparison in tone between the two is what needs to be looked at. It's subtle, but it's invariably there. Pogba is 'astute', a man who's made money out of the deal, and bought a property in an exclusive area, whereas Sterling is a wild spending chav, who can't sell his previous house cos he paid too much for it, has bought a gaudy new home with a Michael Jackson room, and the whole pile is next door to the local dogging spot
How we would see it in isolation Frank is neither here nor there though. The comparison in tone between the two is what needs to be looked at. It's subtle, but it's invariably there. Pogba is 'astute', a man who's made money out of the deal, and bought a property in an exclusive area, whereas Sterling is a wild spending chav, who can't sell his previous house cos he paid too much for it, has bought a gaudy new home with a Michael Jackson room, and the whole pile is next door to the local dogging spot
So,if both subjects are black men,how can it be an issue of race?
How we would see it in isolation Frank is neither here nor there though. The comparison in tone between the two is what needs to be looked at. It's subtle, but it's invariably there. Pogba is 'astute', a man who's made money out of the deal, and bought a property in an exclusive area, whereas Sterling is a wild spending chav, who can't sell his previous house cos he paid too much for it, has bought a gaudy new home with a Michael Jackson room, and the whole pile is next door to the local dogging spot

To be fair, Memphis Depay also copped the pejorative tabloid attack in regards to the flash cars he buys.

Whilst I fully agree the attacks on Sterling are perverse, completely over the top, and hopefully not based on race (otherwise that would be completely despicable), I think that the media simply picks targets that are easy to hate.

Unfortunately, in Sterling's case, his tenure with us, and the club that he left makes him one of these easy targets.
As the RagDipperArseHaringeyMeedya are very selective about what they shove in their Arsewipes, I am very selective upon which 'news' I feast my eyes. The amount of 'football reporting' that I have consigned to the bin, without even a cursory glance, is probably becoming one of the major recycling headaches for the council!
To be fair, Memphis Depay also copped the pejorative tabloid attack in regards to the flash cars he buys.

Whilst I fully agree the attacks on Sterling are perverse, completely over the top, and hopefully not based on race (otherwise that would be completely despicable), I think that the media simply picks targets that are easy to hate.

Unfortunately, in Sterling's case, his tenure with us, and the club that he left makes him one of these easy targets.

The playground bully at work! Nothing works better with these cowards than a simple, straightforward boycott. Happily, we will arrive at a point where the only people who give a rat's arse will be Ragamuffins!

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