Media Thread 2017/18

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What a total crock of shite from that reporter.....walker bossed the diving git all game which is why he had to switch wings late on. He got in a few times afterwards just winning corners but the other was the blatant cheating trying to win the game for them with the dive.

He was also falling at every opportunity against walker

spot on, walker was immense yesterday hence zaha's switch late on, all about the narrative
I've not seen the tackle on KdB but even Paul Hayward in the DT this morning describes it as a 'knee high chop'! I think that because the phrase 'knee high chop' didn't register with Jonny Moss he let it go. Any forceful tackle above the height of the turf has always needed a thorough good looking at despite what the Whistling Wanker might decide on the moment. The FArce seem to be more than happy with the current state of affairs!

I think that he didn't see it properly, as it was very late and he was more intent on following the ball. He gave a freekick and booked the defender for pulling Sane back (correctly), and then went back to Puncheon.

It may be that one of his other officials informed him of what had happened - I can't remember when he got the card out for Puncheon - but if all they got was a late challenge, he couldn't go much further at the time. It then comes down to what he reports, although Puncheon's probably going to miss any suspension matches anyway.
Henry Winter has it spot on re. Puncheon's "tackle" on Kev;

"“The image of Kevin De Bruyne being felled by a cynical, merciless flying scissor kick from Jason Puncheon should be seared on to the authorities’ conscience. The best player in the Premier League crumpled under the impact, falling to earth, and needed placing gently on a stretcher before being carried away. It was a sad image that taints the English game. De Bruyne has graced this season with so much sumptuous football, contributing nine assists and six goals in the league, and demonstrating what can be done with dedication, diet, constant practice and total commitment on the field. De Bruyne is a magnificent role model and English football will be the poorer for his absence, however short.”
I think that he didn't see it properly, as it was very late and he was more intent on following the ball. He gave a freekick and booked the defender for pulling Sane back (correctly), and then went back to Puncheon.

It may be that one of his other officials informed him of what had happened - I can't remember when he got the card out for Puncheon - but if all they got was a late challenge, he couldn't go much further at the time. It then comes down to what he reports, although Puncheon's probably going to miss any suspension matches anyway.

Whichever way round, and officials and sports bodies are ever so determined to keep the game flowing, some incidents are never dealt with satisfactorily, and the FArce need to revisit. It shouldn't matter whether a yellow card is issued or not. Referees need to come clean and say that had they had a proper look at it it would have been a red card and not a yellow, and the FArce should put themselves in a position where they are concerned more with the good of the game than any, clearly flawed, system of disciplinary action that allows players to escape the proper punishment that might have been doled out in the adjacent town by a more eagle-eyed Whistling Wanker.
Henry Winter has it spot on re. Puncheon's "tackle" on Kev;

"“The image of Kevin De Bruyne being felled by a cynical, merciless flying scissor kick from Jason Puncheon should be seared on to the authorities’ conscience. The best player in the Premier League crumpled under the impact, falling to earth, and needed placing gently on a stretcher before being carried away. It was a sad image that taints the English game. De Bruyne has graced this season with so much sumptuous football, contributing nine assists and six goals in the league, and demonstrating what can be done with dedication, diet, constant practice and total commitment on the field. De Bruyne is a magnificent role model and English football will be the poorer for his absence, however short.”
Spot on, a somewhat more eloquent contribution than Danny flicking Murphy, and clearly Winter is also more of a football man. And we wonder why our national team fails when so called mainstream English pundits see football with such a cynical outlook
So , are the assaults on our players & a fucking cheating dive getting swept under the carpet again ?

Wouldn't expect anything else. Surprised the media filth haven't used the term "The Battle of Selhurst Park" yet cos using that would suggest that both Teams were kicking lumps out of each other and also ensure that their brain-dead readers have no idea what went on yesterday.
Interesting that on MOTD2 they gave injury updates on KDB, Jesus and Dann but not Puncheon. Was he faking injury?

What were the updates, any time frame on return og GJ & KDB
If not when's Pep's press conference ? ,might get news then.
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