I’ll bite, mate. Considering the recent revelation that you will get a better/truer version of a City game if you loosen your coffers and and have a read of what’s behind the pay-wall then it confirms that the none paying customer is getting a story that is embellished in some way to draw in the clicks to keep the advertisers happy.
If that is the case then what they are saying, apart from being condescending to the average reader who cannot afford, or will not pay for it, is that their coverage is bias toward the clubs with the biggest support and against the rest.
You‘re right, we get more coverage than the likes of Fulham, Newcastle, et al, and so we should with what we have achieved, but we should still at least be reported on in a positive light rather than finding a negative angle for a lot of our play and superb wins, just to keep those same click bait punters tuning in.
I gave up on reading what most of the media have to say a long time ago, I can assume that it’s only got worse since then, as per the CAS situation when all and sundry were prepared to deceive and lie to their readers in order to keep the narrative going. Following those reports, whatever shred of perceived impartiality left, was blown away in the gentlest of breezes.