Media Thread 2020/21

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They're both a pair of pricks, as you rightly say but Prick Harris has some sort of excuse in that he has mental health issues. I have my doubts about that story about a brick through his window being true however. I know the club worked closely with a select group of journalists, including him, a few years ago when he was something like Sports Editor at the MoS. This was part of the media strategy to get some of the more reasonable ones onside with the "project". Prick wrote about financial stuff so the club would pass him stuff and we'd exchange views and information.

Then something happened - whether it was his mental health deteriorating or someone got at him I don't know - and he turned. The club had no idea why either from what I gather. He's been harassing a few people and I know he's been working with a Liverpool-supporting troll from Rochdale, who operated the Shitty_Rabin Twitter account. In August, complaints were made to my employer and I know this troll was behind one and suspect that Prick was behind the other, along with 'Jabba the Hut' Corbett.

Fortunately my employer saw these for what they were, which is completely malicious (one of them apparently complained about me using the terms 'rags', which shows how desperate they were). The most serious allegation would have seen me sacked and could have seen me prosecuted if there'd been any truth in it but my employer could easily check and disprove it. I'm 99% certain Prick was involved in this but revenge, as they say, is a dish best tasted cold. This is an example of what an utter bunch of shits they are.

Now onto Nob Harris and the story I've been hinting about for a while. It's known that AP, who he works for, has been used by Qatar to run disinformation campaigns previously. Whether that's knowingly or otherwise I don't know but Nob's regular appearances on Qatari channels like BeIn and Al Jazeera certainly raise strong suspicions about his motives, given recent geopolitical events involv Qatar and the Saudi/UAE axis. Hopefully that's been put to bed by the recent rapprochement but Nob seems to be like one of those Japanese soldiers still carrying on the fight in the jungles, long after the formal end of WWII.

The club had every reason to ban him for that question alone, about Mancini's contract with the Al Jazirah club that Sheikh Mansour. own in Abu Dhabi Of course banning people doesn't stop them writing shit (they probably write even more shit to be honest) but impugning the probity of a member of staff, with no evidence at all, should have been a line in the sand. They were weak in my view and left the door open for what happened next, which involved me.

Last year, in protest about antisemitism on Twitter, there was a 48-hour boycott of the platform by Jewish posters. I took part and I put out a tweet asking David Conn and Nob Harris, as fellow Jews, if they were boycotting (answer - they didn't). Believe it or not Nob then complained to the club that I'd been antisemitic. The club replied that I wasn't an employee but he apparently insisted that, as a City Matters rep, I should abide by the club's social media policy.

So they apparently got lawyers to check my post and other social media posts. They also contacted the CST, a Jewish organisation that works with the government on matters pertaining to the security of Jewish venues and events and often manages that security through a network of volunteers. Neither the lawyers nor the CST found my post to be antisemitic and City therefore rejected his verbal complaint.

So he raised a formal one, as per City"s formal complaint process. I've kept quiet so far about this (but obviously I've dropped hints something has been going on) as I've heard nothing from City and didn't want to go public before I knew the outcome. But it's been many months (over 6) since anyone at City contacted me about this so I assume it's gone away. I'll confess that I was hugely annoyed that City didn't just laugh at him and tell him to fuck off when he first broached the matter.

We can't control everything thats written about us but there are times when we're definitely our own worst enemy. Cunts like Harris and Delaney, whove gone above and beyond in the City-baiting stakes should be firmly told not to show their faces again.

Sorry to read that.
Regards City going on the front foot with some of the worst of the hacks, Harris Delaney et al. When N. Custis was reprimanded by City a couple of years back his response was that City must be guilty as they were denying free speech, and did not understand British values of free speech of the media.
I think it is club policy to ignore rather than respond. I was chatting to a director last week, and that was the impression I got anyway.
You had them rattled, so look back on the positives, and what you achieved, and try not to dwell on the stress it it brought.

Fuck em !
Mike Bushell on BBC breakfast sarcastically saying we're crying poverty because Pep said we can't afford the fees being touted for Haaland. That's balanced reporting, right there! We're still constrained by FFP and the pandemic has hit our profits same as all other clubs, so rightly Pep says we can't afford £150m.
Mike Bushell on BBC breakfast sarcastically saying we're crying poverty because Pep said we can't afford the fees being touted for Haaland. That's balanced reporting, right there! We're still constrained by FFP and the pandemic has hit our profits same as all other clubs, so rightly Pep says we can't afford £150m.

City spend = cry human rights and unfair competition.

City don’t spend = more negative digs

This is the level of crap we face. Literally no way out of this quagmire.
I think social media its reached a point where it causes more harm than benefit. i agree with Terry Henry and his boycott and I think sporting organisations should back it too. There are plenty of properly moderated platforms such as this one for fans to engage with the club. Maybe there is an argument for clubs to run their own mini twitter/facebook like platforms so they can avoid anon postings and make people accountable for what they post. I despise the big platforms, they are making tons of money from the data harvested by ever more sophisticated algorithms but apparenty its too difficult to moderate content. Its bollocks, the internet is the wild west and some form of control is absolutely required.

We might think the anonymity and freedom is sacrosanct but if things carry on as they are, the effect and influence on everything from success or not of brands, to what kind of politics is running the world will become even more corrupt.

i urge everyone to vote with their keyboards and sack off all forms of social media.
Hi all,

There’s not a lot of positive City journalism atm, but I’m doing a 5 part series on the 2011/12 team going through keepers, defenders etc. Here’s my first piece on the keepers, most of it you will already know but I think it’s quite nice to refresh sometimes: I’m not getting paid for it and the website isn’t a clickbait site so don’t worry about that.
I think social media its reached a point where it causes more harm than benefit. i agree with Terry Henry and his boycott and I think sporting organisations should back it too. There are plenty of properly moderated platforms such as this one for fans to engage with the club. Maybe there is an argument for clubs to run their own mini twitter/facebook like platforms so they can avoid anon postings and make people accountable for what they post. I despise the big platforms, they are making tons of money from the data harvested by ever more sophisticated algorithms but apparenty its too difficult to moderate content. Its bollocks, the internet is the wild west and some form of control is absolutely required.

We might think the anonymity and freedom is sacrosanct but if things carry on as they are, the effect and influence on everything from success or not of brands, to what kind of politics is running the world will become even more corrupt.

i urge everyone to vote with their keyboards and sack off all forms of social media.
The last time I checked, the figures showed that 90 per cent of people in the UK do not even access Twitter let alone publish on it. The main reason toxic content from Twitter gets any significant audience is when it is amplified by the broader media. The real damage to City is not caused by the loons on Twitter but by organisations like the BBC which endorse the fake/racist narrative about us. BBC online, the Guardian, and the Daily Mail, are amongst the biggest media websites in the world in terms of audience and they are incredibly hostile to our club. Freedom of speech should not include the freedom to defame people and fuel hate campaigns. That's why we have laws about things like racism and religious hate.
Hi all,

There’s not a lot of positive City journalism atm, but I’m doing a 5 part series on the 2011/12 team going through keepers, defenders etc. Here’s my first piece on the keepers, most of it you will already know but I think it’s quite nice to refresh sometimes: I’m not getting paid for it and the website isn’t a clickbait site so don’t worry about that.
Nice piece, but the implication that Guardiola replaced Hart when he was at the top of his game doesn’t quite ring true. Pellegrini had already dropped him for a spell in the previous season when his form had dipped and he was having a miserable time with England.
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