Media Thread 2020/21

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I think social media its reached a point where it causes more harm than benefit. i agree with Terry Henry and his boycott and I think sporting organisations should back it too. There are plenty of properly moderated platforms such as this one for fans to engage with the club. Maybe there is an argument for clubs to run their own mini twitter/facebook like platforms so they can avoid anon postings and make people accountable for what they post. I despise the big platforms, they are making tons of money from the data harvested by ever more sophisticated algorithms but apparenty its too difficult to moderate content. Its bollocks, the internet is the wild west and some form of control is absolutely required.

We might think the anonymity and freedom is sacrosanct but if things carry on as they are, the effect and influence on everything from success or not of brands, to what kind of politics is running the world will become even more corrupt.

i urge everyone to vote with their keyboards and sack off all forms of social media.
This is worth a thread downstairs.
The last time I checked, the figures showed that 90 per cent of people in the UK do not even access Twitter let alone publish on it. The main reason toxic content from Twitter gets any significant audience is when it is amplified by the broader media. The real damage to City is not caused by the loons on Twitter but by organisations like the BBC which endorse the fake/racist narrative about us. BBC online, the Guardian, and the Daily Mail, are amongst the biggest media websites in the world in terms of audience and they are incredibly hostile to our club. Freedom of speech should not include the freedom to defame people and fuel hate campaigns. That's why we have laws about things like racism and religious hate.
Thats a good point. The conventional media have become incredibly lazy and it looks like a significant proportion of their output originates in social media. So small seeds get amplified. Rarely fact checked, just fitted to convenient agenda's like the one damaging our club.
Nice piece, but the implication that Guardiola replaced Hart when he was at the top of his game doesn’t quite ring true. Pellegrini had already dropped him for a spell in the previous season when his form had dipped and he was having a miserable time with England.
Yeah ik but it was getting a bit long and drawn out. I though Joe’s had enough stick and I didn’t want to be jumping on the media bandwagon
Yeah ik but it was getting a bit long and drawn out. I though Joe’s had enough stick and I didn’t want to be jumping on the media bandwagon
The sad thing is that the much-maligned Joe Hart is better at distribution than the current England keeper Nick Pope. Not that I would swap Ederson for any other keeper in the world.
Used the words proven cheats for the 2014 settlement, said that there were apparently loads of people who thought we didn't tell the truth in the CAS case in 2020, thereby implying our guilt also.

Used the word exonerated and then changed to we were fined, correct term would of been completely exonerated of all charges and fined for not cooperating with UEFA who are already proven fraudsters and cheats right from the top down.

Rob Harris hiding behind Pep did not deny being paid by other sources, no mention of the disgust on Pep's face for the question, then went on to say City still let me in so that adds up to they also confirm what I'm saying is true, proving why the absolute prìck should be banned, City should of taken this stand as soon as the words left his corrupt mouth.

Both of them saying they text and WhatsApp City all the time asking for comments on their made up bullshìt, City not replying to these high forms of communications also implying we are guilty of anything these two prìcks make up. Yes, I am sure Khaldoon deals with of queries via text and WhatsApp.

As for Rob Harris being a little better then Nick, can't agree with that, the whole thing was completely scripted and both took joy in the continuing character assassination of our club, complete and utter pair of cùntz.

As the pair of prìcks seem to be on here quite often, have either of you answered about accepting money from Qatar sources as yet? What no answer? Guilty, then you duplicitous pair of corrupt cūnts.
The flawed logic and self justification in that is staggering. They really are pathetic specimens and an embarrassment to genuine informed journalism. Refusing to even dignify deranged and libellous allegations with a response is not and never has been an admission of guilt.
They know this of course but persist in spreading this juvenile disinformation. At whose behest and to whose benefit would be a more interesting question.
Nick Harris thinks he’s untouchable and can say what he wants without challenge at the minute because his wife died recently, anyone who has a pop at him will simply be accused of trolling him about that
Mike Bushell on BBC breakfast sarcastically saying we're crying poverty because Pep said we can't afford the fees being touted for Haaland. That's balanced reporting, right there! We're still constrained by FFP and the pandemic has hit our profits same as all other clubs, so rightly Pep says we can't afford £150m.
Was Bushel in his cheap blue suit he ALWAYS wears despite earning more than someone with talent when he was being sarcastic ?
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