Dear Ratboy and Spitty
i think you are both confusing the ESL and the riot at the swamp.
Yes as a football fan ( City ) i was in support with alot of fans against the closed shop ESL, but that as far as it goes.
I am not in support of the utd riot last night, i couldnt give a flying shit about either of your pathetic plastic clubs. To suggest that i and other fans should stand shoulder to shoulder with those thugs is a disgrace and if you had any morals would would stand down from Sky.
I will agree with you about american owners as i have been saying for some time that american owners are bad for the league.
You both keep saying its the bad 6 when infact you know its your clubs plus spurs and arsenal that are the problem.
Ratboy is still upset that pisscan is a greeding money grapping twat who because of his greed for stud rights cause utd to end up in the Glazers hands. Why both of you think that City, Villa, WHU etc fans should stand against your owners just shows how arrogant you both are. Saying both your clubs are the grand father of football lololol bloody hell livepool we a bog standard second division club until the mid 60's never been above the second divsion before than.
Spitty a grand father of football a club that got us all banned from europe at club that encourages fans to attack the away teams coach.
You two were an embarrassment as was Sky last night