Media Thread 2020/21

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Carragher is an absolute lowlife scumbag. He shafted my brother’s mate who did a paved driveway at his house, only for his wife to turn round and say she had changed her mind about the colour they had both chosen and had signed off. Carragher threatened to tie him up in court for years and bankrupt him rather than pay the pre-agreed price “cos Im a millionaire who can afford it and you're not”
he would have paid me.
And virtually all those stories were proven to be totally false. They were based on malicious leaks and the Guardian presented the false allegations as facts with no defence from City. The Sun interview with Simon Jordan is totally libellous. It's still a mystery to me why we didn't take action. It's incredible that someone from within UEFA (a proven corrupt organisation) briefs a reporter and they just accept the claims as true even though the other party (City) totally denies what has been said.

I remember well all the furore once the ban had been announced but before the CAS verdict came through.

I said at the time that the club were in a true, existential, fight for its very survival. Read the Simon Jordan piece in particular. This was only an amuse-bouche for what would have followed if the ban had been upheld. Titles,cups,records WOULD have been stripped from us. The media and their acolytes in the game would have ensured the pressure was applied to such an extent it would have become impossible to hold back the tide.
Next would have come the briefing in the media about how ‘club X’ wants to ‘rescue’ KDB/Raheem/AGuero/name any of our players you want to from the ‘nightmare’ they found themselves in at City ‘the proven cheats’.
Then would have come the claims for financial compensation from ‘rivals’ who had been ‘cheated’ out of prize money/tv revenue (CL) etc. Even if they hadn’t won the clamour and endless negative publicity around these claims would have served to constantly continue dragging the clubs name through the mud for years afterwards. And by extension the good name of our owner. The pressure on him to abandon us would have risen day by day, and there may well have come a point where in order to protect the good name of his nation he may have felt it sensible to give in.
All of the above accompanied in the media by the sobriquet “Proven cheats”, which the club would have been powerless to combat if CAS had been as bent as uefa and upheld the farcical ban.

It is why I will never, under any circumstances, ever, turn against Pep. At the beginning of all this when the times were as dark for City as at any time In our long and illustrious history, He responded loudly and very publicly to stories in the media that he was going to leave if the ban was upheld with a resounding “I believe in this club, I believe in our owners and my bosses, I am staying at City and seeing out my contract come what may”. THAT is leadership.

I also remember well a thread around the time of the CAS verdict where I actually had to argue with City fans (only two to be fair to every other sensible and normal poster on here) that the above scenarios weren’t excessively pessimistic, but were in fact very real.

Thank God I didn’t have to be proven correct as CAS did the correct thing.

I will never forgive the media Though. Never. They danced on our grave before we were dead and fed their fetid, rancid readership a daily diet of racism, lies, xenophobia and outright glee at the prospect that “the Arabs” were going to get it.

How wrong they were.


I remember well all the furore once the ban had been announced but before the CAS verdict came through.

I said at the time that the club were in a true, existential, fight for its very survival. Read the Simon Jordan piece in particular. This was only an amuse-bouche for what would have followed if the ban had been upheld. Titles,cups,records WOULD have been stripped from us. The media and their acolytes in the game would have ensured the pressure was applied to such an extent it would have become impossible to hold back the tide.
Next would have come the briefing in the media about how ‘club X’ wants to ‘rescue’ KDB/Raheem/AGuero/name any of our players you want to from the ‘nightmare’ they found themselves in at City ‘the proven cheats’.
Then would have come the claims for financial compensation from ‘rivals’ who had been ‘cheated’ out of prize money/tv revenue (CL) etc. Even if they hadn’t won the clamour and endless negative publicity around these claims would have served to constantly continue dragging the clubs name through the mud for years afterwards. And by extension the good name of our owner. The pressure on him to abandon us would have risen day by day, and there may well have come a point where in order to protect the good name of his nation he may have felt it sensible to give in.
All of the above accompanied in the media by the sobriquet “Proven cheats”, which the club would have been powerless to combat if CAS had been as bent as uefa and upheld the farcical ban.

It is why I will never, under any circumstances, ever, turn against Pep. At the beginning of all this when the times were as dark for City as at any time In our long and illustrious history, He responded loudly and very publicly to stories in the media that he was going to leave if the ban was upheld with a resounding “I believe in this club, I believe in our owners and my bosses, I am staying at City and seeing out my contract come what may”. THAT is leadership.

I also remember well a thread around the time of the CAS verdict where I actually had to argue with City fans (only two to be fair to every other sensible and normal poster on here) that the above scenarios weren’t excessively pessimistic, but were in fact very real.

Thank God I didn’t have to be proven correct as CAS did the correct thing.

I will never forgive the media Though. Never. They danced on our grave before we were dead and fed their fetid, rancid readership a daily diet of racism, lies, xenophobia and outright glee at the prospect that “the Arabs” were going to get it.

How wrong they were.

Fantastic post.

Cunts had us hanged, drawn and quartered.

The media was/is a willing executioner on behalf of the G14.

I remember well all the furore once the ban had been announced but before the CAS verdict came through.

I said at the time that the club were in a true, existential, fight for its very survival. Read the Simon Jordan piece in particular. This was only an amuse-bouche for what would have followed if the ban had been upheld. Titles,cups,records WOULD have been stripped from us. The media and their acolytes in the game would have ensured the pressure was applied to such an extent it would have become impossible to hold back the tide.
Next would have come the briefing in the media about how ‘club X’ wants to ‘rescue’ KDB/Raheem/AGuero/name any of our players you want to from the ‘nightmare’ they found themselves in at City ‘the proven cheats’.
Then would have come the claims for financial compensation from ‘rivals’ who had been ‘cheated’ out of prize money/tv revenue (CL) etc. Even if they hadn’t won the clamour and endless negative publicity around these claims would have served to constantly continue dragging the clubs name through the mud for years afterwards. And by extension the good name of our owner. The pressure on him to abandon us would have risen day by day, and there may well have come a point where in order to protect the good name of his nation he may have felt it sensible to give in.
All of the above accompanied in the media by the sobriquet “Proven cheats”, which the club would have been powerless to combat if CAS had been as bent as uefa and upheld the farcical ban.

It is why I will never, under any circumstances, ever, turn against Pep. At the beginning of all this when the times were as dark for City as at any time In our long and illustrious history, He responded loudly and very publicly to stories in the media that he was going to leave if the ban was upheld with a resounding “I believe in this club, I believe in our owners and my bosses, I am staying at City and seeing out my contract come what may”. THAT is leadership.

I also remember well a thread around the time of the CAS verdict where I actually had to argue with City fans (only two to be fair to every other sensible and normal poster on here) that the above scenarios weren’t excessively pessimistic, but were in fact very real.

Thank God I didn’t have to be proven correct as CAS did the correct thing.

I will never forgive the media Though. Never. They danced on our grave before we were dead and fed their fetid, rancid readership a daily diet of racism, lies, xenophobia and outright glee at the prospect that “the Arabs” were going to get it.

How wrong they were.


The worst thing is Kezia that this WOULD have been the exact line taken by the press. It would have been a pile on to permanently put out our lights.

You only have to see how badly the media are smarting from their twin darlings ' shortcomings which have been magnified by our rather gloriously finding our belief - and mojo! The classic diversionary tactics of plastering St Marcus and today Sir Jorache all over the bulletins shows they won't forget how they were shown up to be a load of clueless tossers over CAS.

I feel gutted that our players have not been given the recognition they deserve like Merlin or Don Sergio. But really its every single one of them since 2011.

Mancini and Pellegrini had us playing some brilliant football equal I think to Pep's most brilliant. Were they recognised? Silly question when Alan Pardew gets LMA award for not getting relegated!!!!

As the more enlightened BMers on here say #buyacoffee.

I remember well all the furore once the ban had been announced but before the CAS verdict came through.

I said at the time that the club were in a true, existential, fight for its very survival. Read the Simon Jordan piece in particular. This was only an amuse-bouche for what would have followed if the ban had been upheld. Titles,cups,records WOULD have been stripped from us. The media and their acolytes in the game would have ensured the pressure was applied to such an extent it would have become impossible to hold back the tide.
Next would have come the briefing in the media about how ‘club X’ wants to ‘rescue’ KDB/Raheem/AGuero/name any of our players you want to from the ‘nightmare’ they found themselves in at City ‘the proven cheats’.
Then would have come the claims for financial compensation from ‘rivals’ who had been ‘cheated’ out of prize money/tv revenue (CL) etc. Even if they hadn’t won the clamour and endless negative publicity around these claims would have served to constantly continue dragging the clubs name through the mud for years afterwards. And by extension the good name of our owner. The pressure on him to abandon us would have risen day by day, and there may well have come a point where in order to protect the good name of his nation he may have felt it sensible to give in.
All of the above accompanied in the media by the sobriquet “Proven cheats”, which the club would have been powerless to combat if CAS had been as bent as uefa and upheld the farcical ban.

It is why I will never, under any circumstances, ever, turn against Pep. At the beginning of all this when the times were as dark for City as at any time In our long and illustrious history, He responded loudly and very publicly to stories in the media that he was going to leave if the ban was upheld with a resounding “I believe in this club, I believe in our owners and my bosses, I am staying at City and seeing out my contract come what may”. THAT is leadership.

I also remember well a thread around the time of the CAS verdict where I actually had to argue with City fans (only two to be fair to every other sensible and normal poster on here) that the above scenarios weren’t excessively pessimistic, but were in fact very real.

Thank God I didn’t have to be proven correct as CAS did the correct thing.

I will never forgive the media Though. Never. They danced on our grave before we were dead and fed their fetid, rancid readership a daily diet of racism, lies, xenophobia and outright glee at the prospect that “the Arabs” were going to get it.

How wrong they were.

Post of the year so far. Just wish the club would make a stand against some of the shit that's thrown at us.

I remember well all the furore once the ban had been announced but before the CAS verdict came through.

I said at the time that the club were in a true, existential, fight for its very survival. Read the Simon Jordan piece in particular. This was only an amuse-bouche for what would have followed if the ban had been upheld. Titles,cups,records WOULD have been stripped from us. The media and their acolytes in the game would have ensured the pressure was applied to such an extent it would have become impossible to hold back the tide.
Next would have come the briefing in the media about how ‘club X’ wants to ‘rescue’ KDB/Raheem/AGuero/name any of our players you want to from the ‘nightmare’ they found themselves in at City ‘the proven cheats’.
Then would have come the claims for financial compensation from ‘rivals’ who had been ‘cheated’ out of prize money/tv revenue (CL) etc. Even if they hadn’t won the clamour and endless negative publicity around these claims would have served to constantly continue dragging the clubs name through the mud for years afterwards. And by extension the good name of our owner. The pressure on him to abandon us would have risen day by day, and there may well have come a point where in order to protect the good name of his nation he may have felt it sensible to give in.
All of the above accompanied in the media by the sobriquet “Proven cheats”, which the club would have been powerless to combat if CAS had been as bent as uefa and upheld the farcical ban.

It is why I will never, under any circumstances, ever, turn against Pep. At the beginning of all this when the times were as dark for City as at any time In our long and illustrious history, He responded loudly and very publicly to stories in the media that he was going to leave if the ban was upheld with a resounding “I believe in this club, I believe in our owners and my bosses, I am staying at City and seeing out my contract come what may”. THAT is leadership.

I also remember well a thread around the time of the CAS verdict where I actually had to argue with City fans (only two to be fair to every other sensible and normal poster on here) that the above scenarios weren’t excessively pessimistic, but were in fact very real.

Thank God I didn’t have to be proven correct as CAS did the correct thing.

I will never forgive the media Though. Never. They danced on our grave before we were dead and fed their fetid, rancid readership a daily diet of racism, lies, xenophobia and outright glee at the prospect that “the Arabs” were going to get it.

How wrong they were.

Great post that, mate.
I will tell you how big this United and Liverpool rivalry is (At risk of people being appalled by what I say). I asked a girl out in 1991. She was pretty fit (different league to me). I thought she would say no but she was a United fan so I told her I had 2 tickets for Utd v Liverpool that weekend (then I thought she would say yes). It worked and she said yes. I then went to Old Trafford on the Thursday to buy tickets for the match THAT WEEKEND. And got 2, easily.
That year United capacity was c47500. Two weeks earlier they had played Sunderland at home in front of 45,394 and then for the huge clash versus Liverpool they attracted 43,690. Not even a sellout, hence I could wander up and get tickets with 3 days notice. Biggest rivalry my arse
Never mind that, did it work for you?
Fantastic post.

Cunts had us hanged, drawn and quartered.

The media was/is a willing executioner on behalf of the G14.
And barely any part of the media gave any details on what City were actually guilty of. I remember Alan Shearer being asked about it on match of the day and nodding sagely saying that City were guilty and they would be punished. But he didn't have a clue about FFP and City's "crimes".

I only understood anything about FFP and City's innocence by reading details on here through such esteemed contributors as Prestwich blue et al.

There is a bigger story here. How and why did a sports governing body attempt to destroy one of its members? I don't expect any answers from the media.
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