Media Thread - 2021/22

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On a related point I wonder if Pep is aware that a lot of young men from the Manchester area volunteered off their own backs to help the. Catalans in the 1930s against Franco. Sure he'd be happy to know this.
Send him this link and he soon will

These cumts are actually playing into our hands with their snide shithouse actions, it’s actually fuelling Pep and the rest of the clubs drive to keep winning and strive to be even better, Guardiola is a principled man and sees the injustice in the shite we get and the non recognition of our achievements, i will be majorly surprised if he didn’t sign an extension to his contract, i even think it’s about more than football now, it’s the Catalan fighting spirit in him, fight for injustice and show your enemies just how much bottle and fight you’ve got.

Viva Josep Guardiola!!

I too have thought that for a while. I think he enjoys the fight and putting two fingers up to others and uses it as fuel.

Long may the snide comments continue.
Jonathan Liew's report in the Grundiad is that paper's usual attempt to show that City are well on the way to ruining football. Sporting's manager is only wotking to get a move to an "elite club" this summer because his star midfielder will be on the move then and any "smaller" club will be ruined just as City have ruined Benfica's, the stars of which are now playing "for the highest bidder". Actually reminds us of Liverpool's evisceration of Southampton a few years ago but never mind.
For Liew this is City's iron fist which treacherously is wrapped in a velvet glove so that a truly sinister organisation appears as a good football team. But don't get carried away because "curiously, this game told us very little we did not already know about them. This is the gift and the curse of the modern City: often we have no idea how they will fare in adversity because they so rarely encounter it. All we can really say with any certainty is that the road to St Petersburg in May will be paved with far sterner challenges than this." let's await Liew's ruminations if Liverpool win tonight.

Its interesting that he puts this much effort to write about City for opposing fans…….hands up who can he arsed reading match report about a team they don’t like that’s just smashed someone, it’s a pointless exercise.
Cheers. he is a good write, shame he's in that horrible rag.

Can I just ask, is a country mile different in some way to a City mile ?
Of course a country mile is different! ;-) A City mile is 5 times better!! ;-)

But in all seriousness a country mile was coined after a map maker called Henry Joist in 1651 made a mistake when he calibrated his instruments when he was in Essex. The term was originally an Essex mile.

I’m going to get matron to give me my medication now. Sorry. :-) ;-)
The Manchester is BLUE show (@manchesterisB) Tweeted:
“I know it’s uncomfortable for elite clubs like Liverpool, Arsenal... but we deserve to be here.”

A link to that clip should be sent to every seasoncard holder.

Some fans,and I’m as guilty as anyone, have maybe misinterpreted his previous comments about the rags and dippers as being unnecessarily complimentary when all along he’s been damning them with faint praise.

That clip seals the deal - he’s a blue through and through
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