Media Thread - 2021/22

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It's the arrogance of these hacks that really pisses me off. They spout their ill-informed nonsense about City whilst blowing a seemingly unlimited supply of smoke up certain teams arses. All the while blatantly ignoring any indiscretions that these certain clubs are 'allegedly' involved in and then get all holier than thou when they are called out on their bullshit.

They actually feel they are much more knowledgeable than the common fan and seem to club together as if the opinion of a few 'journalists' is gospel and we should all bow to their superior acumen. Absolute Bollocks.

Back in the day when just a few of us were banging this drum we were pretty much being called 'Militant Cranks' & 'Tin foil brigade' by more than a few posters on Bluemoon but only the overwhelming body of evidence has led us where we are today.

The 'City bad' agenda is there for all to see, and I believe we have now come full circle in the fact the arseholes who have been downplaying, lying and generally bad mouthing Manchester City for over a decade are now having to try to play dumb on their 'moral stance'.

We must continue to call out the constant misinterpretation of our football club as it is as clear and obvious as it is steeped in jealousy and hypocrisy.

As always, I believe Pep uses the shitty media in this country to motivate his players and we haven't been doing bad at all over the last 5 years. But these days will not last forever (see the swamp) and we must continue to fight these bastards so when we are not so all conquering, we are not stomped on by these bastards when we are down.

If Graeme Souness or Martin Samuel have something to say I might listen. The rest can fuck right off.
The charitable view is that he's merely repeating and defending us against other journalists views that we are "militant cranks". "Quick poll gives 100 sensible answers so clearly the fanbase are far from militant cranks" for example. However, this would assume he's able to construct a tweet that isn't capable of easily being misunderstood in the way you describe. As a professional writer, you'd expect him to be able to do this.

Its odd - I like Mooney and I like Sam on the podcasts they appear on - I can even see how difficult a position they are in working for the publication that publishes the sort of tripe we constantly have to defend - but its an odd slip to be sure.
Not the first time his tweets have been ambiguous, when called out about them he will come up with a different interpretation to what we blues perceive his point to be. Now we could be wrong everytime in deciphering what he writes but, I'd doubt that.

Ultimately the best you could say about him is he writes in a way an amateur rather than a 'professional' would.

From my contact with him on Twitter & a few bits I've seen on here I'd stick my neck out and say he's a snake in the grass.
Why not just ignore Sam Lee? He carries weight only in so far as you let him. If City fans do not subscribe to his writing, his opinion becomes worthless. I briefly tracked him for transfer information some years ago. I don't think anyone in the commercial media world is worth following. Perhaps there are a small number but none comes immediately to mind.

I suspect that any media focus on City's owner may subside a little now that the focus shifts to Russian owned football clubs. It will be interesting to see if any shine a light on Alisher Usmanov (everton?). For years the West implored the Eastern bloc to become capitalists, and when these capitalists privatised their nations wealth they are now to be prosecuted as little more than gangsters. Perhaps that is what they are but is that just the Russians?
I see both sides here

I think we get some awful negative coverage in some sections of the media.

But I also think an element of our online fanbase lack objectivity about it and see bias where there is none. This is magnified because, like it or not, our two rivals are the best supported clubs in the country and therefore the most newsworthy and a lot of these fans are jealous of that. Also, by their very nature, these online fans see "the media" as the online media, because that's the space they live in, whereas in reality the online media is small compared to other forms.

In defence of our online radicals, most football fans are like that, partisan and sometimes lacking objectivity. We all do it. And City have suffered from being in United's shadow for decades on the pitch so it's only right that people want to emerge from it in the public eye now we have done it on the pitch.

What I totally believe is that 99.9% of City fans do not feel conflicted in any way about the club's ownership and see it for what it is: just another football investor like all the other succesful clubs throughout history had. Only better.
Agree with Sam & you’re a reasonable fan, disagree & you’re a militant crank?

The narcissism of these journalists is flabbergasting
You can’t be surprised at the arrogance

these people think they “set the narrative” they are so far up their own arse

they talk about the game in a way that most match goers simply don’t recognise anymore. They are that irrelevant

Old style football reporting has gone. Finished. We used to know if somebody played well by reading the paper the day after. How weird is that?

people like these are not long for this world. These are the death throes of an industry and the people in it desperately trying to stay relevant in a rapidly changing world

ignore the cunts
I've no personal issue with Mooney either and, like you, I think he's off the mark. But I notice you don't mention Sam Lee. You must have seen his keyboard warrior hard man performance on Twitter last night?
Missed it last night, but caught up on a bit of it this morning. All seemed a bit unedifying.
Agree with Sam & you’re a reasonable fan, disagree & you’re a militant crank?

The narcissism of these journalists is flabbergasting
We know where Lee's allegiances lie but when some of these narcissists who are supposedly City fans use their platforms to sneer at and belittle other City fans, that shows how far up their own arses they've disappeared.
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