Media Thread - 2021/22

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From an article in The Guardian about Liverpool's parade today. Remember, they claim not to care.

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"That says it all doesn't it?"
Not quite my scouse friend.
You had a nine mile parade with very few people on eight miles of it and with three weeks notice to have it on a non working day, with it being publicised everywhere. Compared to City fans being told the night before with minimal publicity, about a parade for Monday the next day.
Not quite the same is it?
Ok I’ve kept my powder dry these last few days(weeks). But I’m going to say this anyway. Where I reside now is full of fans of nearly every club in the prem and below and all are about my age an FOC I believe is the term and all saw from the late 60s till the present day violence inflicted on fans from different clubs. And we all argue about the course of this and we all agree it’s tribalism. Back in the day there were no away fans at grounds( nobody could afford to) but has we got more affluent it became the norm to have a group of people with strange accents being in our manor. Move on a few decades it’s the norm and now there’s no violence in the stadiums but lots of banter. Unfortunately now with the interweb stoking the fires of tribalism and the media being the main protagonist I feel somebody is going to lose their life because some twat in the media is typing away selling false hoods. Let’s look what happened yesterday a club manager( who should know better) is asking fans of a certain club to attend a final without a ticket knowing full well the history of this clubs problems in Europe in the past and with the backing of ALL THE MEDIA. So yesterday we saw the team from the east lancs descending on Paris doing what they do and the press having a field day lauding the scallys jibbing in to the ground to watch the nations and neutral fans favourite team. Well I’m sorry but if the media and uefa condone this then what happens in the future for genuine fans safety? It’s the ineverbility that deaths will occur whether at grounds or closer to home when a argument occurs in a strange out of town boozer and it will be down mainly to the press. Even here I’ve got to hold my tongue sometimes because I don’t know the reaction I will get either off the red tops or some other club who don’t particularly like City( see media).
"That says it all doesn't it?"
Not quite my scouse friend.
You had a nine mile parade with very few people on eight miles of it and with three weeks notice to have it on a non working day, with it being publicised everywhere. Compared to City fans being told the night before with minimal publicity, about a parade for Monday the next day.
Not quite the same is it?
All true. Plus of course one other slight difference being that the Premier League trophy was on our bus.
Absolutely agree with you, especially the list of top sporting and other events that have been held at Stade de France.

I went there with a United pal of mine who lived in Paris for over 20 years, to see the France-Italy World Cup quarter-final in 1998. The stadium and the crowd management was very impressive. My pal has been to Saint-Denis for all sorts of sports/music events and in conversation with him today he expressed the same thoughts as you.

And as I've been saying since last night, our supine, partial media should be starting its reporting of this repeat performance by Liverpool fans by simply asking the comparative question.. 'Why were there no similar problems with the Real Madrid allocation/section of the ground?'

Instead, we've been treated thus far to gaslighting by our sports media on an industrial scale, which that cuddly, cheeky-chappy 'Uncle Walt' Putin could only marvel at..
The BBC were pushing it towards the police and pointedly remarked that this is where they will play a big rugby match next month and some other big football match next year in a tone that implied people will get killed then.
With all the events that are held there every year without incident l was wondering if this so called sports presenter was extremely ignorant or just a plain liar. Hard to tell with the modern BBC
I suspect the UEFA investigation will come to this conclusion.
Lfc have previous both at home and in Europe.
Hope they ban the cunts.
Bob on.
They’ve managed to control the narrative already.
They’ve demanded an enquiry to add grist to the mill & they’ve got the ‘sob stories’ out there already.
MP’s queuing up, can’t wait for that **** Burnham to steam in too.
Even if any UEFA investigation flags up ticketless fans, jibbing in, climbing fences and by far the worst - Herr teefs instructions to go to Paris regardless it won’t gain any traction in this country, which of course they don’t belong too anyway, because they’ve got their retaliation in first.
UK Media (across all platforms):
City bad, UEFA good.
lfc good, UEFA BAD.
The headlines are already written.
How fucking heavy has that penny dropped this season what the rags have been pointing out for years about these skip rats?
Mate at work, proper nytid fan, been all over watching them has been off this last week, he’s back in tomorrow and I am expecting him to say:
1. Thank fuck you stopped them winning the league, but I would rather the league was cancelled for another pandemic. He will :)
2. Here we are again another problem at a game crowd wise and guess who? He’s fucking right.

This hurts to admit, but it is true - the only other team that could have the same numbers at a game are the rags and they have done in the past. Why haven’t they been involved in such a tragedy or near miss? Their fans can be right c@nts.

So before any of you say it.

Going for a shower now because I have never been nice about the scum ever before and I feel dirty.
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