Media Thread - 2021/22

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You have to factor in the rank hypocrisy of the red shite clubs and their fans .. They wouldn’t be filthy Arabs if they were rags or dippers .. As for the hateful 8, they just jumped on the bandwagon because that’s what jealous wankers do ..!
Yeah, maybe. As I said, I'm not really sure; it's just an uneasy feeling I have.
I fully agree with this. The issue is simply with who's in the ascendency, as is amply evidenced by the hypocrisy shown in the media by the differing reactions among journalists and pundits between City going on a run of wins to open up a gap now and the instances you quote above.

Stepping further into the past, cast your mind back to the period when our delightful out-of-town neighbours were winning 13 league titles out of 20 between the first PL season and Ferguson's departure. Then, there were a few lone voices in the wilderness lamenting that no one could compete with the rags and their dominance was a bad thing. But the default media response curtly dismissed these assertions.

No, then the line to take was that the top team was setting new standards and it was up to the rest to improve so they could keep up. What's that, you say? Until Abramovich pitched up in the Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, there was a vast disparity in resources between the leading club and even the remaining top four contenders? Despite laughably embroidering comparable claims over the financial aspect today, the media cheerleaders studiously ignored differences in spending power back then. Move swiftly along, they said. Nothing to see here.

That financial chasm between one club and the rest simply doesn't exist now. You wouldn't know it from the coverage, but these days the rags match us for spending and the scouse cult pay out vast wages, both of them equalling us for revenues or bettering ours. Meanwhile Chelsea run their affairs in a way that allows them to splash out on both hefty fees and stratospheric salaries. All of this is airbrushed from the bulk of today's football discourse.

Then there's this bullshit about squad size. I can recall no one ever complaining that United's pre-eminent wealth allowed them to carry more quality in depth than any of their rivals, yet so many of today's propagandists moan like fuck about our "bigger squad" now. This is in spite of the fact that we've actually named a smaller PL squad than any of our rivals and have just sold one member of that reduced cohort to Barca. We don't have a striker or a specialist left-back, and our defensive midfield cover is on his last legs.

We face a farrago of lies. half-truths, distortions and omissions. Regrettably, this seems to be the way of the world with the modern media in so many spheres, not just football. I can't help but think, however, that the English football media got there first when it comes to Trumpian falsehoods and a blatant, contemptuous disregard for fair or accurate reporting. But they're worse than ever now - old Joseph Goebbels would be proud.
I can tell you he is mad as fuck and is brilliant company.

Has a shit taste in Hawaiian shirts though!

Once took him and Frank Maloney out on the piss in Manchester and we ended up at Fringe Bar in Northern Quarter smashed on Leffe.

Next day they introduce me to my hero Tommy The Hitman Hearns and Manny Steward at the Midland.

Great times.
I’ve always thought Buncie comes across as a mad boxing fan who can’t believe his luck that he gets to broadcast and write about the sport. It’s one of his best qualities.
Very good to hear that he is a genuinely decent bloke as well. Not a surprise but still good to hear.
Dont think Txiki or Soriano were working for Barcelona when we appointed them.
Soriano was chairman of Spanair and ran his own consultancy. Not sure what Tkixi was doing but both left Barca some years before we recruited them. We didn't buy their structure, just a typical lie from Miggy.
(Spellcheck rendered Miggy as Muggy. Lol).

How would you respond to assessments such as these @petrusha, as these are the ones that I end up getting into a rage over when arguing.

I ignore them. We're on a hiding to nothing trying to argue with liars who post in bad faith, just as we are with people who are incapable of independent thought so swallow the untruths of said bad-faith liars wholesale.

How would you respond to assessments such as these @petrusha, as these are the ones that I end up getting into a rage over when arguing.

Why respond ? That is exactly what they want. Don't give them the oxygen.
If it is 5 bitter people all trying to outdo each other everyone would soon get bored. By continually replying to Delooney you give him a platform.
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