Media thread 2022/23

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Nice on Sky Sports.
Female Italian commentator talking about Juventus situation of the resignation of the entire board due to financial irregularities , mentions that a complaint has been made by "La Liga" demanding they be sanctioned - im guessing by our old fascist racist friend Tebas.
Then mentions us and PSG having been the subject of similar complaints from La Liga, then likens the complaint to our previous run ins with UEFA and more or less accuses the clubs of having cooked the books and falsified sponsorship values. English Sky commentator ends with "its so unfair and not a level playing field is it?"
Fucking disgraceful and the club should immediately ask for a rebuttal statement.
And I thought we were getting a 3 week break.
Honestly, I spat my brew out! It was on in the background while I was pretending to work & she just came out with it, she actually used the words fiddle the books to make them look good & match valuations, I’ve watched it back 5 times I’m that flabbergasted, and recorded it on my phone but dunno how to upload vids on ere
Honestly, I spat my brew out! It was on in the background while I was pretending to work & she just came out with it, she actually used the words fiddle the books to make them look good & match valuations, I’ve watched it back 5 times I’m that flabbergasted, and recorded it on my phone but dunno how to upload vids on ere

She is a world renowned forensic accountant.
Soon to be sued.
who the Fook is Mina Rzouki ?? She’s just been on ssn saying City are known for fiddling their books!! Wow….if the club don’t go after her they’ll never shake this kind of thing off.
Why the fuck are we constantly being pissed of with this shit and the club do nothing.
This isn’t the first time we hear stuff like this.

She’ll probably get invited to hospitality the Everton game with free food & drink and asked not to say it again.

The club needs to stick up for itself, otherwise this poison is not going to stop

Wish i was stood next to the Wench as she said it, nice round-house kick to the babymaker…..

……joking of course :-)
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