Media thread 2022/23

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Eamonn Sweeney makes Miguel Delaney sound like the voice of reason. Best ignored.

Don,t usually click on this shit, but curiosity got the better of me, how the hell do they get away with publishing this shit, thankfully rest of the article is behind a paywall so one can only imagine the nonsense spouted.

View attachment 77127

Unbelievable. "Sordid". "Worst league ...". It is very hard to think that this is a genuine opinion, and not some satirical comment on the wild accusations that have been made about City. Not for the first time I realise that I am completely out of touch with current, mainstream "thought" (I use the term loosely). No, it can't be true - somebody is having us on and I fell for it! (Surely?)
UK govt can trade with these "nation states" and they can invest heavily in the UK economy, property, pension funds etc and there is very little media attention. Yet so many people writing on sports pages are indignant. I don’t understand
Isn't it strange how Saudi, qatari, UAE ownership of football clubs is a problem for some folk, but I'm sure these states own or have investments in many other parts of UK plc , but they are apparently not worth reporting on.
Sky replacing Souness next. Probably for some city hating YouTuber or ex Man U/Liverpool player. Should be a blue getting the next gig. I vote for Nedum.
My impression is that his measured, intelligent manner and sensible analysis is not quite what they want. Which is a great pity.
The Guardian (or the sports department of it) has only one intention when it comes to City. To snipe at us and denigrate our success. The motives are not clear. Pander to the red masses to help sales? Could it be Rascism? (don’t seem quite so keen to call out clubs with Russian/Chinese etc interests).

Whatever. It’s a free world but it’s beyond me why any City fan would pay for this awful paper and fund what increasingly looks like an organised campaign against a Manchester (how ironic) club.
It's nothing but pure racism.
The Guardian portrayal of Manchester Cty by all its journalists is just racism - pure racism.
US billionaires are bad, but an Arab with some cash? Oh deary, deary me, we can't have that.
It's not just semitic Jewish business leaders the Grauniad bates - semitic Arab business leaders are in the same boat.
Arabs are there for Guardianistas to feel politically sorry for - not to come to the UK and create the best run football club there is on planet Earth.
The message is clear; "Get back in your place you ignorant Arabs."
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Sky replacing Souness next. Probably for some city hating YouTuber or ex Man U/Liverpool player. Should be a blue getting the next gig. I vote for Nedum.
Sky are clearing out the pundits who were players in the 60s & 70s, & retired in the 80s.

Today's younger viewers have zero clue who the fuck any of them are. They'll probably bring in more recently retired ballers who people under 40 have actually heard of & seen play.

It's the price of progress. I'll miss Souness & I hope he enjoys his retirement... )(
Unbelievable. "Sordid". "Worst league ...". It is very hard to think that this is a genuine opinion, and not some satirical comment on the wild accusations that have been made about City. Not for the first time I realise that I am completely out of touch with current, mainstream "thought" (I use the term loosely). No, it can't be true - somebody is having us on and I fell for it! (Surely?)
I actually wrote to the Independent owners about that twat about a year ago.

From: ##########
Sent: 23 May 2022 11:22
To: Mary Gallagher <>
Subject: Independent Newspaper

Dear Ms Gallagher

As I’m sure you’re aware, the Independent newspaper has long been a publication that has given a platform for Eamon Sweeney to publish his ridiculously biased articles where he expresses his hatred of Manchester City as often as he can. Whilst Mr Sweeney has every right to produce this bile it seems strange that a reputable media organisation such as yourselves are happy to publish articles that would be best suited to a Liverpool FC fanzine with no editorial standards. Whilst most reasonable City fans can accept justified criticism of some aspects of their club, this campaign by Mr Sweeney to delegitimise everything that Manchester City has ever achieved makes the Independent newspaper look like a rather pathetic publication that is more interested in getting “clicks” from Liverpool fans than reporting real news or informed opinion.
Kind regards

In spite of the polite response below they unsurprisingly took no notice.

RE: Independent Newspaper

Dear ########

I acknowledge with thanks receipt of your email below and I very much appreciate you taking the time to contact the Company.

We are always grateful to receive feedback from our customers – whether positive or negative – as it is only through such reaction that we can assess the views of the public and continue to work towards improving our production of quality, engaging content.

Please be assured that I have passed your comments on to the relevant in-house Editor for information.

Kind Regards


Mary Gallagher

Company Secretary

Mediahuis Ireland Group Limited


Mediahuis, Independent House, 27-32 Talbot Street, Dublin 1, Ireland
I actually wrote to the Independent owners about that twat about a year ago.

In spite of the polite response below they unsurprisingly took no notice.
Yup, the classic corporate brush off!

They'd have shit themselves if you'd CC'd several other publications & Manchester City too. The last thing the Indi would want is to been seen as being out of lock step with everyone else.
Does anybody know the story behind that clip they keep showing in Souness’ little highlights package where he’s waving his finger in the face of that presenter and looking like he’s on the verge of sparking him out?
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