They were having a conversation, do you pause mid-sentence with a colleague at work to double check you are factually correct?I would not take much pleasure from that scenario, but I am not referring to an !A-Z of Football". I mean the Bluemoon page which can be consulted in seconds as someone sits at his phone or laptop, merely to check on a season, a match or a player in preparation for posting a comment or historical allusion.
I don't think checking a fact before posting is "boring", but hey, if you want to post something factually incorrect, then be my guest. The pedants on here will always put you right
I think your "pub bore" scenario is a long way from what I was meaning. Meanwhile, I'll carry on checking my facts rather than post fake news.
Especially in a do you remember that time when the pitch was covered in 10" of mud and they painted the pen spot on, big joe was in nets, maybe it was 77 or hang on I'll just get my football fact file out and make sure I am correct rather than chatting shit and posting fake news over the water cooler.
Yes, it is the internet but people still chat back and forth and have no immediate thought to go and check the history page on BM during a harmless conversation.
Which pedants are these then, I have only seen the one this morning ;)
ps you still haven't fucking clarified the damned fact either? :)
pps my original post wasn't particularly serious either tbh, no offence as you say
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