Well-Known Member
I played a game at uni with a lad who was severely hungover even at 2pm but unilaterally decided to drop a gram of speed beforehand, to see if it was performance enhancingI’ve seen a pre season game played with no off side. I think it was part of an Anglo- Scottish pre season competition. I’ve also played in an amateur football pre season tournament with no off side. On both occasions it was farcical and it most certainly didn’t add to the entertainment value.
Your second point doesn’t really make much sense, as it suggests no players ever dive for free kicks currently. I also think you’re s bit misguided if you think a referee having to decide if a foul had stopped a “certain goal” would be without controversy.
He ran about like a lunatic for 15 minutes then collapsed, hurling his guts out and shaking like a shitting dog, almost on the verge of cardiac arrest
Sometimes the simple solutions aren’t actually the best
PS this was the law society team…