Media thread 2022/23

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Neither of us are experts on either kleptocracy or the UAE. So perhaps we should end this conversation however I always want the last word haha.

I think it’s irrelevant to how city are run anyway

My view is that whilst the UAE is probably not especially corrupt and so does not fit the part of the definition use your.

They do use natural resources / state enterprises and management positions within state enterprises to bribe the people and certain elites it just not direct cash payments These resourcs would in an ideal world would be more readily useable by the people all be it in a controlled manner i doubt anyone on here for example would be able to do a better job running an oil company than the people currently doing it in the UAE even if they got it through history and connections.

Russia is the best example of kleptocracy but both countries have lots of state enterprises that can be exploited and should ideal be used by the people more.

Even the UK perhaps has kleptocratic tendencies look at PPE contract the peerage and honors system. We are also probably the most corrupt country just happens a lot of the corruption is other people from outside the country being corrupt here
I agree. I'm not trying to steal the last word back from you, but my objection is to the inference that Russia = Kleptocracy, UAE = Kleptocracy, therefore UAE = Russia and all the associated negative connotations that might bring.
Exactly this. In the world of publishing and books, they refer to this mutually beneficial back scratching as ‘log rolling’ - each positively endorsing the other’s work for naked greed and financial gain
McGeehan and Delooney have built careers on the back of City, hence the former’s five year old pinned tweet
Sounds like Neville and Carragher on Sky.
It's a funny old thing. I read a lot about anti-City content in the media. It gets me annoyed having the team I love reported so negatively. Puts a bad aftertaste on everything.
But i have now reached a watershed moment. I have concluded i just dont care anymore.
Not only do I not care about the slander, I just don't care what the owners are using my club for. It doesn't matter anymore. Their deeds over their stewardship have given me the most wonderful experience I could hope for. If they want to promote their country on the back of City just do it. But I'm sure their soft power from other investments around the world dwarf the City "project" monumentally.
Life in my country has got worse because of politicians and employers from my country not putting the interests of the population 1st, not because a far away royal has bought the temporary ownership rights to a soccer club.
With so many attacks on free speech, freedom of choice, democracy, environment, workers rights, and living standards, it is folly to make this City ownership issue any bigger than nothing.
Putting mental effort into defending a footy club from mean people paid by someone (most probably) to be mean, pales into insignificance to the other bigger issues.
This is exactly what he's doing. And he's figured out that the WhatsApp crew will lap up whatever negative viewpoint on MCFC's ownership he may care to present. It's a mutually beneficial relationship for them all. They burnish his reputation as a Middle East human rights expert: in no other context do his views attract much, if any, notice from the mass media. And in return, Delaney and his mates gain what they like to present as an intellectual basis for their criticisms of us. They thus claim academic expertise on their side while we're just "blinkered crackpots".

Except that some of us are blinkered crackpots who nonetheless see the whole thing for the stomach-churning charade of intellectual dishonesty it really is.
Spot on that's why his pinned tweet is the men behind City from 2017.
With all do respect for all human rights issues around the world City and UAE is not the worst issue for amnesty international is it.
Let's be clear on one thing - Sheikh Mansour is NOT our owner.
How do we know this? Because Delooney said so and probably on the back of conversations/recent tweets from McGeehan. "Log-rolling" in action, (Thks Longsight for that expression).



Miguel continued to decline the invitation or indeed furnish any further concrete evidence to substantiate his claim.
Let's be clear on one thing - Sheikh Mansour is NOT our owner.
How do we know this? Because Delooney said so and probably on the back of conversations/recent tweets from McGeehan. "Log-rolling" in action, (Thks Longsight for that expression).

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Miguel continued to decline the invitation or indeed furnish any further concrete evidence to substantiate his claim.
So Delooney thinks that it was Mansour brother who saved Barkley's Bank.
It's getting very confusing
Let's be clear on one thing - Sheikh Mansour is NOT our owner.
How do we know this? Because Delooney said so and probably on the back of conversations/recent tweets from McGeehan. "Log-rolling" in action, (Thks Longsight for that expression).

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Miguel continued to decline the invitation or indeed furnish any further concrete evidence to substantiate his claim.

I never know why people with no knowledge on subjects spout their crap, and then when it comes to it says Oh its better this person speaks over it.

Just admit you are fabricating your nonsense and no fuck all.

He never replies back to me does delooney

Carragher makes some good points here.
Time to stop worrying about the critics. Fuck them all

I have done this for a while now, I have even taking to gloating if I am in the company of any gobshite who mentions money and Arabs.

Don't keep apologising or even allow them any space in your head, this gif says it all about my approach to the whinging tosspots.

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