Media thread 2022/23

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Simon said we are gaming the system lol.

Every club has bent the rules.

How dare we hire lawyers to fight our corner?

It’s like a fluffy pillow to help the cartel clubs find solace.

Can you believe City have destroyed so many people? It’s the cherry on the cake!

Simon is spouting lies unfortunately so nothing new. Once he starts stuttering like a gobbling turkey you know he ain’t got a clue.
This media negativity is starting to really piss me off. After winning 3 in a row and then the elusive as fuck treble, all I read is about how we spent money to become what we are. How the fuck do they think all the tops teams became top. They all spend money.

When Chelsea won their CL title I didn't hear any of this negative bias and still they spend ridiculous amounts of money within 2 windows and all I read is how they are clever because they created a loophole by extending out contracts.

Difference is one is a white American and the other is from UAE. People talk about how La Liga have a problem with racism but here I feel it's just as bad considering what we have achieved over these last 6 years and how much plaudits we get, all because our owner is from a world most don't know anything about.

People's only argument is where our money came. It surely can't be about overall spend as so many have now spent just as much if not more than us over the past 5 or so years.

We are the Russian team in Mighty Ducks who are evil and corrupt as they come up against the pure and perfect English golden team (apparently Man Utd).

Rant over
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He really does, which rather undermines his argument. Regardless of how super mega, massive we all know Bluemoon is, the truth is the traffic driven from this thread to the offending articles will be minuscule. Whereas forcing folk to screen shot headlines and post chunks of articles and sometimes quoting the whole bloody thing verbatim, threatens to infringe the copyright he states he's out to protect.

His argument is driven by emotion rather than logic, he so hates the idea that we might contribute, even in a negligible way, to the finances of these haters, that he fails to understand that what he recommends effectively kills the thread.
None of this is true, for the many reasons I and others have explained, including @tolmie's hairdoo , who quite literally confirmed the information I was sharing about how blues contribute to sustaining the negative coverage of City.

In fact, my stance is literally based on logic; yours is the one seemingly based on emotion, with hyperbole unrelated to reality.

The thread is not going to be killed by not posting direct links to negative articles. Nor will more people quote articles verbatim. They will just be removed if some do, like they always have been (again, I can say that with confidence—as TH can about the inner workings of “new media”—given I spent many years doing just that as a mod).

And my post about the extreme detractors was about the likes of Delaney, for which blues likely make up a much larger portion of engagement than they think, you included. They craft their articles, videos, and podcasts specifically to outrage as many blues as possible, so they’ll rage-share with their networks, who rage-share with their networks, and so on.

Blues are much more likely to distribute the articles in disgust than the rival fans that hate us (the rivals fans simple read and comment they agree and discuss how City are cheaters), so we are becoming the main target for the divel because rage-sharing is where the real money is made (impressions trump comments for engagement metrics because of the way advertising revenue works).

Beyond that, why any blue would want to help sustain the negative coverage, in however a small way, is beyond my understanding. It doesn’t matter how large the contribution, why would you want to contribute at all?
I refuse to listen to Talkshite, but I put 5Live on in the car... they were talking about the win obviously, then the DJ said "with me in the studio is Adam Crafton" – I nearly put my fucking foot through the radio!!!
I only listen to the early breakfast show with Paul Coyte and Sam Ellard during my walk to work.

Over tha past few weeks I noticed how Coyte and Ellard would ignore anything to do with City.

Then out of the blue, Coyte announced on Friday it was his last show. And was replaced this morning my Will Gavin. Not sure why, but maybe he knew he'd have to talk about us on the Monday.

Anyway Sam Ellard started spouting on about the charges, just after Will had spoken to Spencer Prior, Only for Will to respond by saying. He'd notice already, how the media had changed the goal post, and were saying we'd need to do it more often now. He also reminded Ellard how Leicester, his beloved club cheated their way out of the championship and suffered fines for it.

Ellard might be next to jump ship
The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink.

The ministry of football reporting does not report on the football. Or in other words - bunch of rag and dipper twats.
Glad it's back looking forward to all the links about how well behaved City and Inter were. The in depth reports of why trouble seems to follow liverpool. That City and Inter showed the dippers how to behave.

Even with the transport problems still no trouble

So post the links lads and lasses
Exactly, post the links of the positive coverage far and wide. Share with everyone you know. Pay kids to click on them endlessly for hours.

Have them tattooed on your calves! ;-)
Every report I’ve seen on the game references the PL charges. Now even if we were bang to rights then it’s still got fuck all to do with winning the CL as we’ve been proven not to have broken their rules.

Can’t wait until we’re proven innocent of the PL witch hunt, then they can caveat everything with ‘despite being unable to ensure a 216 to Ashton after home matches…..’
I've read a fair few that didn't, I would change your sources for news.
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