Meeting Rag Players & ******* Them Off!

Afternoon of New years Eve 2004 and I'm at the cashpoint in St Annes Sq. Two women in front of me are taking an eternity. To compound matters, the bloke directly behind me is largeing it to his mates. I vaguely recognise the voice, turn round and see it's Gary Nev. The women are still at it, checking balances, printing out mini statements. GN is telling these young lads he's been invited to a NYE party in Bury, where there's loads of fit birds and champagne. Gotta be careful, training next day etc.

As I'm getting my dough, I notice one of his pals has walked away to take a call on his mobile. His other mate follows me into the hole in the wall. I walks past GN and offers my hand. "All the best for 2005 Gary?"

Concious of the dirty look I gave him earlier, he refuses.

"C'mon Gary, it's NYE".

I extend my hand out further and he shakes it.

"Gary , I'd just like to say you had a blinder..."

He had a really smug grin on his face.

"Cheers mate, for England in Turkey?"

"No, the last derby at Maine Road".

I squeezed his hand and walked off laughing. Next thing I'm walking away and he's chasing after me bleating:

"We still won the league though"

I just carried on walking and without looking at him, dismissively gave him the finger.
We played 'em 2 months later in the FA Cup and he got sent off. My mates said it was down to me.
Blue Punter said:
Afternoon of New years Eve 2004 and I'm at the cashpoint in St Annes Sq. Two women in front of me are taking an eternity. To compound matters, the bloke directly behind me is largeing it to his mates. I vaguely recognise the voice, turn round and see it's Gary Nev. The women are still at it, checking balances, printing out mini statements. GN is telling these young lads he's been invited to a NYE party in Bury, where there's loads of fit birds and champagne. Gotta be careful, training next day etc.

As I'm getting my dough, I notice one of his pals has walked away to take a call on his mobile. His other mate follows me into the hole in the wall. I walks past GN and offers my hand. "All the best for 2005 Gary?"

Concious of the dirty look I gave him earlier, he refuses.

"C'mon Gary, it's NYE".

I extend my hand out further and he shakes it.

"Gary , I'd just like to say you had a blinder..."

He had a really smug grin on his face.

"Cheers mate, for England in Turkey?"

"No, the last derby at Maine Road".

I squeezed his hand and walked off laughing. Next thing I'm walking away and he's chasing after me bleating:

"We still won the league though"

I just carried on walking and without looking at him, dismissively gave him the finger.
We played 'em 2 months later in the FA Cup and he got sent off. My mates said it was down to me.

Fucking quality mate, That story still makes me piss my sides every time I hear it!
Me and two mates in a proper shit bright yellow mini metro driving round with water bombs on a summers day. Driving near Bramhall and we lob a balloon at a guy getting into his car on a drive way. The metro starts chugging as we are being chased by one mad Rag 'Ince'.
Used to go to the hacienda every week in the early ninetees,my sister used to knock about with a few rag players who she knew through her fella. Any one night i'm shitfaced and she introduces me to giggs, "this is my brother, this is ryan" etc, i shook his hand then when he turned his back i put my hand up and did the gesture for dick head, a couple of his mates jumped out of their seats all hard as fook then sat back down when they realised i wasn't running a mile!
Another was the same crack but keane in a club called home, i shook his hand then told him i fuckin hate utd to which he replies "its just a job to me mate", that was nice to know that mr. utd did'nt really give a shit.
World Cup Final 2006..

walking round berlin , and decide to have a drink. Anyways .. sit down with my city shirt on. Look to the right , only see that Red Nosed Twat Fergie. so i walk over to him and have a 'little chat' with him. anyways this hotel was the 'nike hotel' and it was a tad too dear. so we was gettin off and said cya later fergie. get up, walk past him and farted right next to him :) shoulda seen his face fuckin quality hahahahaa
My old man is a good friend of Alex Ferguson (ashamed to admit it) it's nothing to do with football as my old man is not interested one bit, he reckons he is actually a really sound guy (dons tin hat)

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