Meeting Rag Players & ******* Them Off!

Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

frankisskint said:
A good few years ago I worked for a shoe company on King St in town...

But if you didn't spit in the shoes we don't give shite mate! Come on, we have previous posters who have left bodily fluids in footwear!

Spitting in shoes, throwing coats into rivers after checking the pockets. Quite possibly the funniest thread I've read!

Keep up the good work everyone!
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

scall1 said:
frankisskint said:
A good few years ago I worked for a shoe company on King St in town...

But if you didn't spit in the shoes we don't give shite mate! Come on, we have previous posters who have left bodily fluids in footwear!

Spitting in shoes, throwing coats into rivers after checking the pockets. Quite possibly the funniest thread I've read!

Keep up the good work everyone!

Is it my fault your a wanker..?
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

frankisskint said:
Is it my fault your a wanker..?

I was only joking!

Unfortunately reading text on a screen doesn't do humour like that justice.
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

Back in the late 60's when I was a wee lad, we had a day out at Lymm Dam, and we happened to bump into Bobby Charlton. I asked him for his autograph, and he bravely told me to 'bugger off,son'. I have hated the bald little twat ever since.

Imagine my glee a couple of months back when I was in terminal 2 at the airport and I saw the great man himself, complete with his wobbly head, come shuffling past.

"Bobby Charlton?" I said.
"Yes" he said.
Now, I didn't know this at the time, but he had been holding a book signing session somewhere in the building, so he was receptive to questions.
"The last time I spoke to you I was 11 years old and you told me to bugger off. Well, thanks to you I did, and I have been supporting City ever since".

Which is a lie, I was already a blue then, but so what.

He didn't look too pleased, but I honestly, seriously enjoyed it. The look on his wobbling face.

I know he was a great player, but I have always completely and utterly disliked the twat.
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
Back in the late 60's when I was a wee lad, we had a day out at Lymm Dam, and we happened to bump into Bobby Charlton. I asked him for his autograph, and he bravely told me to 'bugger off,son'. I have hated the bald little twat ever since.

Imagine my glee a couple of months back when I was in terminal 2 at the airport and I saw the great man himself, complete with his wobbly head, come shuffling past.

"Bobby Charlton?" I said.
"Yes" he said.
Now, I didn't know this at the time, but he had been holding a book signing session somewhere in the building, so he was receptive to questions.
"The last time I spoke to you I was 11 years old and you told me to bugger off. Well, thanks to you I did, and I have been supporting City ever since".

Which is a lie, I was already a blue then, but so what.

He didn't look too pleased, but I honestly, seriously enjoyed it. The look on his wobbling face.

I know he was a great player, but I have always completely and utterly disliked the twat.

Easily the best one yet. I agree that the spitting and stealing is a bit much, bit of good natured banter is great though.
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

Back when Tommy Doc was their manager I was working in Jimmy Saville's club when Lou Macari came in. I said "Oi, Lou, why aren't you serving in the chippy".

He wasn't happy.

Anyway, when he left his coat in the locker room I went over, told them I had been told to get it for him and take it to him and took it out the back.

The night before I had had toad in the hole for tea and had awful constipation. I dropped my pants and with al the might I could muster, desposited a log in his coat pocket.

When he came back a few hours later he was fuming, you should have seen his face. He started shouting 'Someone has had a shit in my coat pocket. I've been had over again by those damn City fans'.

Anyway, I wasn't there to witness this as the effort I had to muster to overcome the constipation was so much that I had ruptured my anal passage. I got a mate to take the coat back to the cloak room but I was writhing in agony on the floor and an ambulance had to be called. Two hours later I was having life saving surgery. Imagine my surprise when I woke up the following day and two coppers were waiting to arrest me. They had put two and two together and had me bang to rights for shitting in a coat.

I got five years, served three, lost my job and family and haven't seen any of my children in 30 years. Oh, and I have a plastic bag attached to my waist at all times now.

Still, got one over on that Rag Macari though, eh.
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

The Mancunian Way said:
Am i the only one who finds this sad? Spitting in shoes, stealing coats, being abusive. Ok, on the the pitch I hate them all but you guys seem to take this a little far.

Now wonder they call us bitters!

No mate, I wouldn't lower myself to a rags level either.
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

frankisskint said:
A good few years ago I worked for a shoe company on King St in town (no longer there), at least once a week we would have a rag player come visit me and buy shoes, one particular day, Teddy Sheringham came in, needless to say he bought around 10 pairs, about an hour later Andy Cole pulls up outside and this particular time he had his hands free kit on chatting away, anyhow as a regular we already knew his shoe size, Andrew continued to browse , nonchalantly pointing to numerous styles (meaning he would like to purchase), meanwhile, not wanting to disturb him while on the phone and knowing all the while that Sheringham had previously been in and had already purchased exactly 9 out of the 12 pairs Mr Cole had chosen!

Mr Cole paid his bill (over 3k), left the store while I rolled on the floor pissing my pants!

Naturally you spat in all those shoes right?
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

NoJabbaNoBogRoll said:
You really got those guys good.

I'll bet all their millions weren't any consolation to them.

I wouldn't be surprised if both of them still cry themselves to sleep over it.

I would let anyone spit in my shoes everyday of my life to be a multimillionaire
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

Timbobs said:
NoJabbaNoBogRoll said:
You really got those guys good.

I'll bet all their millions weren't any consolation to them.

I wouldn't be surprised if both of them still cry themselves to sleep over it.

I would let anyone spit in my shoes everyday of my life to be a multimillionaire

ill call dr sulamian shall i?

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