Melanie Sykes.

Rocket-footed kolarov said:
adrianr said:
Rocket-footed kolarov said:
What on earth are you on about, if he had cause to use self defence he could hit back same as in any other situation. There is no legal distinction between men and woman in this respect, but of course you are not allowed to batter the shit out of somebody for the sheer sake of it, and that is for both sexes. If he somebody tried to beat me up it would matter not which gender they were if I chose to shop them to the police. In fact I can think of an incident where a chav hit me in the side of the head, with her rings on (she didn't do any real harm, only very light bruising) but I perhaps should of reported her just to inconvenience the vile piece of scum.

There may not be a legal distinction, but there is definitely a social one. I presume this is what TheMightyQuinn was referring too.

Yes there is but who cares, if people really want to think like that because you hit somebody defending yourself then they are fools. I have less regard for somebody who beats up a bloke for no reason other than doing something seen to annoy or disrespect him, than a bloke who hurts a women in a genuine case of self defence. If any women want to misuse any societal benefit by using violence against men, then they are silly, don't start a fight with somebody unless you are prepared for them to retaliate.

You have to remember, I'm one of the few guys on BM who couldn't bench press Wembley Stadium whilst kicking fuck out of Mike Tyson.

I'd rather turn the other cheek than give some violent woman the satisfaction of seeing me debase myself and batter a woman or go grovelling to the piggies for help.

As for not caring what people think, I don't generally but I'd rather not have all the local SUN/Mail readers knowing I knock women about as it'll only give them an excuse to round on me and beat the living shit out of me.<br /><br />-- Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:55 pm --<br /><br />
dazdon said:
They hit you and you hit them back.

It's that simple.

Not for someone who was raised properly it isn't.

I'm not hitting a woman under any circumstance.

I refuse to lower my own standards to adhere to the rest of society.

Two wrongs don't make a right. That's basic math.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Rocket-footed kolarov said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
A woman hitting a man is just as cowardly as a man hitting a woman.

If the man hits back, he'll be in the shit. If he presses charges, he's laughed at because he got beat up by a girl. So his only choice is to do fuck all.

What on earth are you on about, if he had cause to use self defence he could hit back same as in any other situation. There is no legal distinction between men and woman in this respect, but of course you are not allowed to batter the shit out of somebody for the sheer sake of it, and that is for both sexes. If he somebody tried to beat me up it would matter not which gender they were if I chose to shop them to the police. In fact I can think of an incident where a chav hit me in the side of the head, with her rings on (she didn't do any real harm, only very light bruising) but I perhaps should of reported her just to inconvenience the vile piece of scum.

It would matter to me.

I'd feel bad beating a girl up, even if she initiated the violence.

There's not many people I socialise with either who would be comfortable with me beating women up even under duress.

Along the same lines, not many people are going to sympathise with a bloke getting hit by a woman, as this thread shows, I'd leave it rather than kick up a big stink about what most would view as being hit by a girl.

I wouldn't be comfortable with it but if I actually thought I needed to use violence I would, I have knowledge of self defence laws so I know what would be appropriate. At the time of the incident I didn't, If they events were replayed I still wouldn't because I knew at the time there was no chance of serious injury and the woman was heavily pregnant, I hadn't initiated this confrontation and there was no way I would lay a finger on her. It all depends on the level of injury as well, if they inflict ABH or GBH upon you, I think you ought to go to the police, because they ought to have the consequences for that level of violence and because it would have an impact on them if they ever thought about using violence again.
Rocket-footed kolarov said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Rocket-footed kolarov said:
What on earth are you on about, if he had cause to use self defence he could hit back same as in any other situation. There is no legal distinction between men and woman in this respect, but of course you are not allowed to batter the shit out of somebody for the sheer sake of it, and that is for both sexes. If he somebody tried to beat me up it would matter not which gender they were if I chose to shop them to the police. In fact I can think of an incident where a chav hit me in the side of the head, with her rings on (she didn't do any real harm, only very light bruising) but I perhaps should of reported her just to inconvenience the vile piece of scum.

It would matter to me.

I'd feel bad beating a girl up, even if she initiated the violence.

There's not many people I socialise with either who would be comfortable with me beating women up even under duress.

Along the same lines, not many people are going to sympathise with a bloke getting hit by a woman, as this thread shows, I'd leave it rather than kick up a big stink about what most would view as being hit by a girl.

I wouldn't be comfortable with it but if I actually thought I needed to use violence I would, I have knowledge of self defence laws so I know what would be appropriate. At the time of the incident I didn't, If they events were replayed I still wouldn't because I knew at the time there was no chance of serious injury and the woman was heavily pregnant, I hadn't initiated this confrontation and there was no way I would lay a finger on her. It all depends on the level of injury as well, if they inflict ABH or GBH upon you, I think you ought to go to the police, because they ought to have the consequences for that level of violence and because it would have an impact on them if they ever thought about using violence again.

Yeah but a lot of men would rather leave it than press charges because people would take the piss. Compare this thread to a thread about a beaten women, there's not many jokes on those threads.

Even more so if the woman is your girlfriend or wife.
adrianr said:
stony said:
Rocket-footed kolarov said:
What on earth are you on about, if he had cause to use self defence he could hit back same as in any other situation. There is no legal distinction between men and woman in this respect, but of course you are not allowed to batter the shit out of somebody for the sheer sake of it, and that is for both sexes. If he somebody tried to beat me up it would matter not which gender they were if I chose to shop them to the police. In fact I can think of an incident where a chav hit me in the side of the head, with her rings on (she didn't do any real harm, only very light bruising) but I perhaps should of reported her just to inconvenience the vile piece of scum.

There may be no legal distinction, but there's a huge social one. If a woman hit's a man, people find it funny. You hear comments like "man up" and "what a fucking wimp" Reverse the situation, and he's rightly vilified by all and sundry.
It's a no win situation for a bloke to be in.

There an echo in here? :p

You must have posted yours as I was typing mine. Great minds and all that.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Rocket-footed kolarov said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
It would matter to me.

I'd feel bad beating a girl up, even if she initiated the violence.

There's not many people I socialise with either who would be comfortable with me beating women up even under duress.

Along the same lines, not many people are going to sympathise with a bloke getting hit by a woman, as this thread shows, I'd leave it rather than kick up a big stink about what most would view as being hit by a girl.

I wouldn't be comfortable with it but if I actually thought I needed to use violence I would, I have knowledge of self defence laws so I know what would be appropriate. At the time of the incident I didn't, If they events were replayed I still wouldn't because I knew at the time there was no chance of serious injury and the woman was heavily pregnant, I hadn't initiated this confrontation and there was no way I would lay a finger on her. It all depends on the level of injury as well, if they inflict ABH or GBH upon you, I think you ought to go to the police, because they ought to have the consequences for that level of violence and because it would have an impact on them if they ever thought about using violence again.

Yeah but a lot of men would rather leave it than press charges because people would take the piss. Compare this thread to a thread about a beaten women, there's not many jokes on those threads.

Even more so if the woman is your girlfriend or wife.

This case is about violence in a relationship, if it happened to me in those circumstances and even when I had done nothing to justify it, I would have a higher threshold than for somebody else. If I cared enough about them I would probably think about forgiving them and continue the relationship. If it happened again then that would be it. In a marital situation, and it looks likely you will divorce, if they use violence it is in your interests to report it because it will have an impact on divorce proceedings. If somebody wanted to take the piss then fair enough I don't have an ultra-macho image so it wouldn't bother me and eventually they would grow tired of it.
I am going to post this as well in the Melanie Sykes thread :-

More photos and less writing FFS

TheMightyQuinn said:
Not for someone who was raised properly it isn't.

I'm not hitting a woman under any circumstance.

I refuse to lower my own standards to adhere to the rest of society.

Two wrongs don't make a right. That's basic math.

You take the moral high ground but if the need ever arises i'll stick to the principles I was dragged up in.

But I do commend your stance if that's what you believe no matter how you were brought up.
If a woman is attacking you, don't try and grab her wrists or you'll get kneed or kicked in the spuds.
dazdon said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Not for someone who was raised properly it isn't.

I'm not hitting a woman under any circumstance.

I refuse to lower my own standards to adhere to the rest of society.

Two wrongs don't make a right. That's basic math.

You take the moral high ground but if the need ever arises i'll stick to the principles I was dragged up in.

But I do commend your stance if that's what you believe no matter how you were brought up.

Funny that part though because it couldn't be more wrong, if it's self defence then it brings with it no criminal liability, and I can't take any moral code seriously that wouldn't allow appropriate self defence. In fact Human rights legislation specifically says the state shall not deprive people of appropriate self defence, so It seems even sillier why anybody would want to impose such restrictions on themselves.
It's a damning reflection on the current state of the cellar that this thread has degenerated into a discussion. Lets have some more pics of Mel in her prime with fuck all on and stories about her being a bit of a slag please.

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