Melanoma/ Immunotherapy

Sorry to hear that @BimboBob

My wife has had two lots of BCC's removed from her face over the last couple of years (2 at a time). We were at the hospital Wednesday for a follow up as it happens, they have done a wonderful job mind.

When she was young she used to put oil on to sun bathe which sounds like insanity nowadays but I guess she's paying the piper now.
So sorry to hear that mate. Best wishes to you, and hope the immunotherapy goes well.
Although this seems a weird time of year to discuss this subject, it being the winter and all, I thought I'd share my experience of the last year and a half with you all in the vain hope that a few of you will at least check for any unusual skin blemishes, moles changing colour etc etc.

last April I noticed a mole had gone a bit weird in colour and after a few checks etc etc I had a small op to remove it. I hadn't checked it, never noticed it going a funny colour. It was found to be cancerous so I then had a bigger operation to cut out a larger area on my back and the nodes under my right arm as the nuclear dye they put in showed it would probably go there.

All well and good until early this year when one of my three monthly checks revealed that the cancer had not disappeared as first thought but had gone for walkabout into my left armpit and my lung. This is called stage 4. Scary sounding but it only means it's gone somewhere else.

I am now about to start immunotherapy on Wednesday. Which, according to my specialist, will knock it back a bit but not cure it. I am never going to be in remission. I so wanted to ring the bell as well. Life expectancy is not something discussed. If it all goes well then years, if not then...who knows...

So please, check yourself, men, women and children, if you have moles keep an eye on them. Check your skin. Anything that appears odd get it checked.

Now...a quickie...

If anyone has experience of immunotherapy please share your experiences. I know everyone is different but I'd still like to know.

Cheers all.
Hope things go well matey.
Although this seems a weird time of year to discuss this subject, it being the winter and all, I thought I'd share my experience of the last year and a half with you all in the vain hope that a few of you will at least check for any unusual skin blemishes, moles changing colour etc etc.

last April my Wife noticed a mole had gone a bit weird in colour and after a few checks etc etc I had a small op to remove it. I hadn't checked it for ages so never noticed it had gone a funny colour. It was found to be cancerous so I then had a bigger operation to cut out a larger area on my back and the nodes under my right arm as the nuclear dye they put in showed it would probably go there.

All well and good until early this year when one of my three monthly checks revealed that the cancer had not disappeared as first thought but had gone for walkabout into my left armpit and my lung. This is called stage 4. Scary sounding but it only means it's gone somewhere else.

I am now about to start immunotherapy on Wednesday. Which, according to my specialist, will knock it back a bit but not cure it. I am never going to be in remission. I so wanted to ring the bell as well. Life expectancy is not something discussed. If it all goes well then years, if not then...who knows...

So please, check yourself, men, women and children, if you have moles keep an eye on them. Check your skin. Anything that appears odd get it checked.

Now...a quickie...

If anyone has experience of immunotherapy please share your experiences. I know everyone is different but I'd still like to know.

Cheers all.

Fuck sake Bob, I've got a mole on my side will be asking to get it removed I think. Sorry to hear your story all the best fella.

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