Melanoma/ Immunotherapy

Thank you for all the wishes, I'll be fine, hopefully! Did I mention getting yourselves checked out?

@Bluechipblue I'm having Ipilimumab and nivolumab intravenously 4 times 21 days apart. After that I should be on the same but in pill form. Apart from the Colitis, which sounded horrendous, did you have any other side effects?

Fingers crossed you get the results you need in February.
Hi Bimbo, the only other side effects I've had is a constant feeling of tiredness and due to that, I'm not as patient as I once was. It maybe due to the treatment, or just the fact I'm bobbing on a bit now.
Good luck bob wishing you well.

Always get spots etc checked out. In 1983 I had a spot on the back of my knee. The doc said nothing to worry about. Fast forward to 1985 it was bigger and would bleed.
This time ( different doc ) I was being seen by the cancer specialist within a few days. Within 5 days it was cut out and within a week a 6"×4" skin craft on the back of my knee.
I was so so lucky, the cancer hadnt spread, lucky that an army doctor was doing skin crafts at that hospital. I was lucky the skin graft took behind my knee. There was worries with it being a moving area it might not take.

18 months ago I had another cancer spot cut out of my forehead. I am now waiting for my forearm to be looked at.

Dont hang around lads and lasses get any spot checked especially if they itch or bleed. Wear sunscreen and avoid the midday sun.
The spots can be any colour the one on my head was different to my leg was a melanoma the size of a 20p. My head about 2mm.
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Although this seems a weird time of year to discuss this subject, it being the winter and all, I thought I'd share my experience of the last year and a half with you all in the vain hope that a few of you will at least check for any unusual skin blemishes, moles changing colour etc etc.

last April my Wife noticed a mole had gone a bit weird in colour and after a few checks etc etc I had a small op to remove it. I hadn't checked it for ages so never noticed it had gone a funny colour. It was found to be cancerous so I then had a bigger operation to cut out a larger area on my back and the nodes under my right arm as the nuclear dye they put in showed it would probably go there.

All well and good until early this year when one of my three monthly checks revealed that the cancer had not disappeared as first thought but had gone for walkabout into my left armpit and my lung. This is called stage 4. Scary sounding but it only means it's gone somewhere else.

I am now about to start immunotherapy on Wednesday. Which, according to my specialist, will knock it back a bit but not cure it. I am never going to be in remission. I so wanted to ring the bell as well. Life expectancy is not something discussed. If it all goes well then years, if not then...who knows...

So please, check yourself, men, women and children, if you have moles keep an eye on them. Check your skin. Anything that appears odd get it checked.

Now...a quickie...

If anyone has experience of immunotherapy please share your experiences. I know everyone is different but I'd still like to know.

Cheers all.
So sorry to hear this mate but immunotherapy is a massive light at the end of the tunnel. I say this because my mum is 81 and is on her fifth round of immunotherapy for a lung tumour that had spread to the lymph nodes.

After her third round they did a scan and the immunotherapy had stopped the spread of the tumour and it had actually reduced in size. I had to fight go get her the treatment because Stepping Hill insisted on Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy so we said she would rather have no treatment than go through that at her age after seeing her best friend go through it for 2 years and all to no avail.

Christies agreed to run with immunotherapy and it has given them a good case study whilst my mum has benefitted from no major side effects so far apart from loss of taste and tiredness for 24 hours after the treatment.

I sincerely hope it will work out the same way for you mate, they gave us a list of possible side effects and to be fair the worst on the list were miles better than chemotherapy and radiation. She has been so lucky so far with the results and the side effects but to be fair she did have to put up with me for years so she deserves it.

Hopefully you will be in good shape for the long awaited return of the best band to walk the planet next year and you’ll have many more happy years enjoying City. Take care mate.
So sorry to hear this mate but immunotherapy is a massive light at the end of the tunnel. I say this because my mum is 81 and is on her fifth round of immunotherapy for a lung tumour that had spread to the lymph nodes.

After her third round they did a scan and the immunotherapy had stopped the spread of the tumour and it had actually reduced in size. I had to fight go get her the treatment because Stepping Hill insisted on Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy so we said she would rather have no treatment than go through that at her age after seeing her best friend go through it for 2 years and all to no avail.

Christies agreed to run with immunotherapy and it has given them a good case study whilst my mum has benefitted from no major side effects so far apart from loss of taste and tiredness for 24 hours after the treatment.

I sincerely hope it will work out the same way for you mate, they gave us a list of possible side effects and to be fair the worst on the list were miles better than chemotherapy and radiation. She has been so lucky so far with the results and the side effects but to be fair she did have to put up with me for years so she deserves it.

Hopefully you will be in good shape for the long awaited return of the best band to walk the planet next year and you’ll have many more happy years enjoying City. Take care mate.
Thank you for the reply mate. Showed it to the missus and she's brightened up a bit.

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