Men with umlauts score all four City goals

An umlaut walks into a bär.

A hyphen walks in-to a bar.

A comma splice walks into a bar, it has a drink and then leaves.

A dangling modifier walks into a bar. After finishing a drink, the bartender asks it to leave.

A question mark walks into a bar?

Two quotation marks "walk into" a bar.

A gerund and an infinitive walk into a bar, planning to drink.

Three intransitive verbs walk into a bar. They sit. They drink. They leave.

A metathesis walks into a bra

A greengrocer walk's into a bar.

A spoonerism balks into a war.

A colon walks into a bar and evacuates.

An exclamation point walks into a bar!

Into a bar walks a chiasmus, and a chiasmus walks into a bar.

An alliteration ambles into an alehouse.

A paraprosdokian walks into a bar. Of soap.

A prozeugma walks into a bar, a fight, a fist, a wall and a hospital.

A pair of parentheses walk (into a bar).

A Chinese ballet pun woks into a barre.

A syllepsis walks into a bar and a brick wall.

A hypallage walks into a topless bar.

The double negative didn't walk into no bar.

The reflexive pronoun walked into the bar itself.

The missing vinculum was last seen walking into a bar.

A reclusive verb walked into the bar and barred the door.

An anacoluthon walks into a bar, is how this joke starts.

An aposiopesis walks into a...

A double-entendre walks into a bar and asks for a beer. So the barman gives him one.

A dangling participle walks into a bar, bartender says, "Why the long face?"

A non sequitur sees a group going into a bar but doesn't go in.


A superlative goes into a bar none.

A paradox walked into a bar but didn't drink.

An antonym walked out of the bar and headed for the theatre.

An anastrophe bar a into walks.

An epanalepsis walks into a bar, does an epanalepsis.

An assibilation walkssss into a bar.

A symantic walks into a bar, wondering what it means.

A scholar of Proto-Germanic roots *welk- into a bar.

It's a cleft sentence that walks into a bar.

Mrs Malaprop tergiversates into a bar.

A dyslexic walks into a rab.

A phonetician walks into a [ba:r].

A German walks into an Alkoholausschankabendlokal.

Et, and all his al., overran a bar.

If a protasis walked into a bar, an apodosis would follow it.

A bar is what the pseudo-cleft walked into.

A transitive verb walks the bar.

A periphrasis will walk into a bar.

They walk into a bar, the right dislocation and the cataphora.

The left dislocation and the anaphora, they walk into a bar too.

An eszet walks into a ssar.

A split infinitive decides to boldly walk into a bar.

An anacoluthon walks into--I saw him enter the bar.

A paradiplosis walks into a bar, walks into a bar and orders a stiff drink.

An anagram talks a rainbow.

Another anagram awaits lob rank, bows a rank tail, irks a law baton, knits a bawl oar, knobs a rat wail, riots a lab wank, rows anal batik, wanks labia rot and wants koala rib.

Equivocation walks into a bar. Ouch!

A subject and a verb disagrees about which bar to walk into.

An Oxford comma hops, skips, and jumps into a bar.

A pleonasm enters into a bar.

The subjunctive would walk into a bar, were it in the mood.

A hyphen, drunk after leaving the bar, mistakenly walks-into a phrasal verb.

A colon and a semicolon walk into a bar: the colon has a gutful; the semicolon orders a half.

A palindrome walks into a bar wearing a dull hat. The barman says, "a man, a plan, a bar - a banal panama."
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While we are at it, the letter O at the end of a word in Portuguese is pronounced "oo". So I always say "Fernandoo" and "Fernandin-yoo". I don't mind not applying this rule to Mourinho, as he does not merit accuracy - much like his strikers. Nor do I mind being labelled "pretentious". I also always say "Rursler", not "Rossler". The umlaut again.

We must keep up standards.
fuck that off - if they want to play in Manchester they have to have their names pronounced in Manc

And as a case in point I give you the "Inn-ee-atcho song" for Kelechi Ineacho
An umlaut walks into a bär.

A hyphen walks in-to a bar.

A comma splice walks into a bar, it has a drink and then leaves.

A dangling modifier walks into a bar. After finishing a drink, the bartender asks it to leave.

A question mark walks into a bar?

Two quotation marks "walk into" a bar.

A gerund and an infinitive walk into a bar, planning to drink.

Three intransitive verbs walk into a bar. They sit. They drink. They leave.

A metathesis walks into a bra

A greengrocer walk's into a bar.

A spoonerism balks into a war.

A colon walks into a bar and evacuates.

An exclamation point walks into a bar!

Into a bar walks a chiasmus, and a chiasmus walks into a bar.

An alliteration ambles into an alehouse.

A paraprosdokian walks into a bar. Of soap.

A prozeugma walks into a bar, a fight, a fist, a wall and a hospital.

A pair of parentheses walk (into a bar).

A Chinese ballet pun woks into a barre.

A syllepsis walks into a bar and a brick wall.

A hypallage walks into a topless bar.

The double negative didn't walk into no bar.

The reflexive pronoun walked into the bar itself.

The missing vinculum was last seen walking into a bar.

A reclusive verb walked into the bar and barred the door.

An anacoluthon walks into a bar, is how this joke starts.

An aposiopesis walks into a...

A double-entendre walks into a bar and asks for a beer. So the barman gives him one.

A dangling participle walks into a bar, bartender says, "Why the long face?"

A non sequitur sees a group going into a bar but doesn't go in.


A superlative goes into a bar none.

A paradox walked into a bar but didn't drink.

An antonym walked out of the bar and headed for the theatre.

An anastrophe bar a into walks.

An epanalepsis walks into a bar, does an epanalepsis.

An assibilation walkssss into a bar.

A symantic walks into a bar, wondering what it means.

A scholar of Proto-Germanic roots *welk- into a bar.

It's a cleft sentence that walks into a bar.

Mrs Malaprop tergiversates into a bar.

A dyslexic walks into a rab.

A phonetician walks into a [ba:r].

A German walks into an Alkoholausschankabendlokal.

Et, and all his al., overran a bar.

If a protasis walked into a bar, an apodosis would follow it.

A bar is what the pseudo-cleft walked into.

A transitive verb walks the bar.

A periphrasis will walk into a bar.

They walk into a bar, the right dislocation and the cataphora.

The left dislocation and the anaphora, they walk into a bar too.

An eszet walks into a ssar.

A split infinitive decides to boldly walk into a bar.

An anacoluthon walks into--I saw him enter the bar.

A paradiplosis walks into a bar, walks into a bar and orders a stiff drink.

An anagram talks a rainbow.

Another anagram awaits lob rank, bows a rank tail, irks a law baton, knits a bawl oar, knobs a rat wail, riots a lab wank, rows anal batik, wanks labia rot and wants koala rib.

Equivocation walks into a bar. Ouch!

A subject and a verb disagrees about which bar to walk into.

An Oxford comma hops, skips, and jumps into a bar.

A pleonasm enters into a bar.

The subjunctive would walk into a bar, were it in the mood.

A hyphen, drunk after leaving the bar, mistakenly walks-into a phrasal verb.

A colon and a semicolon walk into a bar: the colon has a gutful; the semicolon orders a half.

A palindrome walks into a bar wearing a dull hat. The barman says, "a man, a plan, a bar - a banal panama."
Always preferred a dyslexic walks into a bra
but where would that leave the metathesis?
i suppose he could walk into an arb.

thinking on, it might've been better as:
a scottish dyslexic walks into a rab.
but where would that leave the metathesis?
i suppose he could walk into an arb.

thinking on, it might've been better as:
a scottish dyslexic walks into a rab.
Or a Pagga. Can't trust pissed kilt wearing dyslexics.

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