Mental/Funny/Surreal things near you

charliebigspuds said:
bluemc1 said:
bluemc1 said:
ah good old market dave, pulled that cart for years, remember was with bloke i worked for lived on wood lane, lovely sunny morning everyone out doing their gardens and as dave went passed he said "hows it going dave?" and im sure you can picture this the reply was "RAAAAAAARRRHHHHHH "
also liked it when someone wrote PIMP MY RIDE on his cart

oh do you remember Queenie from bus station ? saw her stood pissing herself one night and i dont mean laughing

-- Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:19 pm --

charliebigspuds said:
there's a website with all these local looney's on if I wasn't at work I'd look for it. We had wanky Joe who used to be found having a wank everywhere and norby devlin who bummed a dog for pie and chips, me and my mates still refer to each other as norby when we're taking the piss and we're all in our forties now

thanks for explaining how wanky joe got his name


sorry had to make some comment as i pmsl at that one, "Wanky Joe" genius
as a kid, we had gold label - the secret drinker.

every night the old guy would leave his house, buy 10 bottles of gold label and sit in the local church yard for and hour until he drank them then piss off back in his house.

as kids we used to sit in the bushes throwing stones and shit winding him up, then wait for him to leave and collect his bottle tops for the 2p we got back on each.

quite sad looking back now as the guy was most deffo and alchoholic and couldnt tell his wife

nowadays, there's also a guy in hyde, who dances and sings at the side of the road...someone put a vid on you tube of him
Some right nutters in Cardiff over the last few years. There's a guy called Ninjah who hangs around the city centre, who reckons he's famous and has a recording contract. There was Toy Mike Trev who spent all his time singing Rat Pack and Sinatra songs into one of those plastic microphones that just make stuff echo.

The best of the lot though was Shaky Hand Man, who sadly passed away last year. He was properly away with the fairies, and would shuffle round all day, asking people to shake his hand. Then he'd ask them for money. If they didn't hand anything over, he wouldn't leave them alone until they did.
shadygiz said:
as a kid, we had gold label - the secret drinker.

every night the old guy would leave his house, buy 10 bottles of gold label and sit in the local church yard for and hour until he drank them then piss off back in his house.

as kids we used to sit in the bushes throwing stones and shit winding him up, then wait for him to leave and collect his bottle tops for the 2p we got back on each.

quite sad looking back now as the guy was most deffo and alchoholic and couldnt tell his wife

nowadays, there's also a guy in hyde, who dances and sings at the side of the road...someone put a vid on you tube of him

Dancing Steve. Last time i saw him he was sat outside the co-op with a small kids table with a vase on it, a chair opposite him with a teddy bear in it and he was sat there reading a huge book on Elvis like it was normal as anything.

The Busker Marc Bolan outside Boots on Market Street was something else. He came in to Jilly's one night and stood on the stage playing his guitar whilst everyone else was jumping around.
Not near me now but there was this mad woman Addy, the old American tramp on Wythy market. Used to turn up at the end of the day collecting coat hangers and cadging a bit of coin of the stall holders. She was proper loopy. If you wound her up, she'd chase you whilst screaming.

few of my mates dropped a bucket on her head from the roof of the market. She went mental. "Ya Fackin Bastards" Screaming with this bucket on her head.
It's a shame the blind guitarist can't enjoy her dancing.

There was a couple of characters that used to hang around in the graveyard near me. Pyjama Joe and Wanky Joe. I never saw either of them but I suspect that Wanky Joe was just Pyjama Joe who just decided to drop his jama bottoms now and again.
paphos-mcfc said:
Not near me now but there was this mad woman Addy, the old American tramp on Wythy market. Used to turn up at the end of the day collecting coat hangers and cadging a bit of coin of the stall holders. She was proper loopy. If you wound her up, she'd chase you whilst screaming.

few of my mates dropped a bucket on her head from the roof of the market. She went mental. "Ya Fackin Bastards" Screaming with this bucket on her head.

To be fair I think I'd go mental if someone dropped a bucket on my head.
There was one in school as well, a real wrongun, he used to do something called the pumpkin dance for a few pence. When we were in sixth form we saved our coppers for a year and showered them onto his head out of a first floor window, he was in his element. This lad also got caught wanking in the tap room of a local pub.

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