General / Mental Health Support Thread

Finally got through to the Samaritans and spoke to them for half an hour
Felt a lot better

Come on City !
So glad you got through and it helped to speak to someone. Well done, it's not an easy thing to do. Hopefully if you do need to talk to them again, this experience will make it a bit less daunting.
Good news, I think! The cancer hasn't spread!

Surgery at the end of May and as long as that doesn't bring up any surprises, that'll be the cure. A couple of months to recover and I should be back to normal (+ menopause to deal with).

As long as everything goes according to plan, I think that's the best I could have hoped for.
Good news, I think! The cancer hasn't spread!

Surgery at the end of May and as long as that doesn't bring up any surprises, that'll be the cure. A couple of months to recover and I should be back to normal (+ menopause to deal with).

As long as everything goes according to plan, I think that's the best I could have hoped for.
All things considered, that is brilliant news!

Seems to be a day of good results for blues, so I expect another tonight!
Yeah, although I don’t have PASC, I can say with my MSA journey—which included confusion, fear, endless tests, false dawns, unnecessary treatment regimes from incorrect diagnoses, and the existential dread inducing uncertainty of it all until I got the correct diagnosis—it can obliterate your will to go on.

I am actually volunteering (in the way I can) for an organisation here in the US that works to help people avoid that experience, provides resources to ensure faster and more accurate paths to accurate diagnosis, and works to educate medical professionals on the disease, how to recognise the warnings signs early for assessment, and support patients through prognosis and treatment.

From what I understand similar organisations are popping up gor PASC and related conditions like ME/CFS.

All of it can be dehumanising and soul crushing but, if you think back to pretty much any other time in our collective history, our experience will have been worse.

Go back just 30 years for me and I am probably already dead.
As parents it’s a constant hurt that two out of three of my grown up kids have this condition which has turned their lives completely upside down. The old saying is so true that a mother is only as happy as her saddest child and she is suffering badly.
In the Uk long covid is still being gaslighted to the extent that some gp’s even deny its existence. There is no cure and little hope of one anytime soon. We are sleep walking into a massive issue where some projections estimate that 1 in 10 that catch Covid will get some form of LC. The implications for NHS, social services and overall productivity are profound.

I had to google your condition mate and am very sorry you have it. Please god science and money will prevail and rid us of these seemingly impenetrable conditions.

Up the blues and let’s hope for a big performance this evening.
As parents it’s a constant hurt that two out of three of my grown up kids have this condition which has turned their lives completely upside down. The old saying is so true that a mother is only as happy as her saddest child and she is suffering badly.
In the Uk long covid is still being gaslighted to the extent that some gp’s even deny its existence. There is no cure and little hope of one anytime soon. We are sleep walking into a massive issue where some projections estimate that 1 in 10 that catch Covid will get some form of LC. The implications for NHS, social services and overall productivity are profound.

I had to google your condition mate and am very sorry you have it. Please god science and money will prevail and rid us of these seemingly impenetrable conditions.

Up the blues and let’s hope for a big performance this evening.
When i got ME i found it really difficult to find a dr to believe in it, it was labelled yuppy flu and laughed at , it has taken decades to get it recognised, one dr told me to excersice it away , i collapsed and ended up in hospital ! Long covid is getting the same type of treatment imo, it needs to be taken more seriously
As parents it’s a constant hurt that two out of three of my grown up kids have this condition which has turned their lives completely upside down. The old saying is so true that a mother is only as happy as her saddest child and she is suffering badly.
In the Uk long covid is still being gaslighted to the extent that some gp’s even deny its existence. There is no cure and little hope of one anytime soon. We are sleep walking into a massive issue where some projections estimate that 1 in 10 that catch Covid will get some form of LC. The implications for NHS, social services and overall productivity are profound.

I had to google your condition mate and am very sorry you have it. Please god science and money will prevail and rid us of these seemingly impenetrable conditions.

Up the blues and let’s hope for a big performance this evening.
As a new dad of a soon-to-be three year-old I can only imagine your (and your wife’s) experience. I am not sure how I would handle it, if I were healthy. I know you are both doing everything you can and your kids are incredibly fortunate to have wonderful parents that care about them so deeply. I can say from personal experience that is not always the case and you deserve recognition for it.

I know PASC and related conditions are still not getting the attention and research they deserve, and the personal and societal impact is huge already.

But I am confident there will be more development of diagnosis methodology and effective treatment in the coming years and I hope your children are able to get some relief as they arrive.

And thank you for the kind words. My go to phrase these days has been “it is what it is”. I am just hoping to make it to the point where my son has some real memories of me. If I can do that, than I will have overachieved.

Up the blues — hopefully we still do the domestic double!
As a new dad of a soon-to-be three year-old I can only imagine your (and your wife’s) experience. I am not sure how I would handle it, if I were healthy. I know you are both doing everything you can and your kids are incredibly fortunate to have wonderful parents that care about them so deeply. I can say from personal experience that is not always the case and you deserve recognition for it.

I know PASC and related conditions are still not getting the attention and research they deserve, and the personal and societal impact is huge already.

But I am confident there will be more development of diagnosis methodology and effective treatment in the coming years and I hope your children are able to get some relief as they arrive.

And thank you for the kind words. My go to phrase these days has been “it is what it is”. I am just hoping to make it to the point where my son has some real memories of me. If I can do that, than I will have overachieved.

Up the blues — hopefully we still do the domestic double!
Your words are appreciated mate. LC is so strange in that it impacts everyone that has it differently. My daughter, who is desperately trying to keep her job as a dementia nurse, has heart problems, brain fog and a lack of energy. My son is a self contracted consultant and he is still sharp as a tack but cannot walk more than 100 yards without becoming big completely wiped out. He at least can still wrk from home thanks to an understanding employer. Anyway, I’m in danger of going off topic but the impact it has on us watching them have their plans, hopes, ambitions slowly taken away is profound.
I hope you enjoy your child for many more years mate.

Pity about the result but they gave everything.

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