General / Mental Health Support Thread

Slowly realising how much less relaxed and gentle I've been over the last four, five years. The pressure really got to me. I became more fearful, more angry inside, more confrontational, and all that happened was I tied myself in knots and went round in circles. I knew I wasn't getting 'me' right. But it's only just starting to become clear what that means. Sometimes the answers are relatively straightforward, but they remain forever out of your reach, you can never get to clarity. You just end up in spirals of agony.
"Something must be done. I must do something." But what? If you let it get too personal, you might not cope. You might not sleep properly. You might never have a clear thought from dawn to dusk. You might never think of anything you can say without going off on a never ending, embarrassing rant, that offends and confuses, rather than delivers the message.
It's been a nightmare, and TBH it isn't over yet. I'm almost grieving for my former self, usually in control, usually knowing the useful strategy, kind and accepting. Unfussed and unfussy. Supportive and far warmer. I can point the finger at other people or circumstances or anything at all. But it's me that's changed. It's my loss. I can't believe I allowed myself to talk myself out of being that person at all times. Anger is natural but sometimes it's not useful to direct it at the person or persons in question. It's not sensible or fair because we get angry over a lot of things, and that anger turns into a big ball. What you expose the other person to, was not all their fault, not all about what you are trying to express to them. For me, so much of it is frustration at losing out to my own anger. A vicious cycle.
For now I'm aiming for positivity and self-reassurance, and to sensibly avoid certain situations. It's early days but I feel I've improved somewhat.

Anyway all the best to anyone suffering in any which way at all. Love, and hugs, and kisses. If this is your worst hour, then it will get better.

Take care mate
Been in bed most of the day
Absolutely exhausted
Don't know if it's nervous exhaustion or what
Think I may have not insignificant physical health problem too
I find it grim when the season ends
Plus weather's been absolutely awful nearly every day this year
Find myself ruminating on how evil the world is
How do you get out of negative thinking?
Been in bed most of the day
Absolutely exhausted
Don't know if it's nervous exhaustion or what
Think I may have not insignificant physical health problem too
I find it grim when the season ends
Plus weather's been absolutely awful nearly every day this year
Find myself ruminating on how evil the world is
How do you get out of negative thinking?
I know it's tough, I get the same when the season ends too, Obviously when you work all week you've normally the football to look forward to, With the season now over I always try to keep myself occupied as best I can.

I'm not one for being able to sit around and binge tv, That gives me too much time to think which normally leads to thinking the worst unfortunately...

I've two young kids so I do my best to do as much as possible with them both, Whether it's out kicking a ball with them, Walking the dog, Playing the PlayStation, Going the cinema...Thankfully I've numerous activities to do with the kids, Plus I started to do up my back garden to keep me going.

If you find yourself over thinking bad thoughts probably best to find yourself something to keep you occupied, Also if you've things you like to do that keeps you happy go ahead and do them, The worst thing you can do is sit around and overthink...I always write down things that make me happy and work off it and go from there...
Lad in work really struggling. I'd opened up to him few weeks ago re issues with my new boss as we'd worked together for over 10 years and known each other for 17 years. He's completely opened up to me, lost lot of money (think on crypto) struggling with anxiety and having panic attacks. Took him for lunch and we sat by river chatting for an hour. Gave him details of councillors I've been using and he'd appointment on Friday.

He went home and let it all out to his wife (married and got son aged 4). Been to GP and got a follow up appointment
Just an update, been chatting to him every day. He's been off work for over week now. Having good and bad days. Asked him to look for any positives he can get from each day. Had one panic attack and felt couldn't breath. His son was in car and wife in Tesco. He got through it and realises he needs to try to manage it.

He's started mediation and yoga. Says he's feeling better than he did 2 weeks ago and even 10 days ago when he opened up to me. Told him message me 24/7 anytime he wants also he's got good support group of a loving wife, little son, caring family and me, that we'll be with him every step. Not sure how many friends he's opened up to.
Prep starts in a minute and my anxiety is building on this and what the may find and the dwp decision , waiting for the letter is making me really on edge, minor by most people on here but just my concerns at the moment

My gp rang me yesterday about the blood and anemia , no results from endoscopy samples and assume i will have a few taken tomorrow , i just hate bad news hanging over me , makes me anxious as hell

Answers soon i guess
Prep starts in a minute and my anxiety is building on this and what the may find and the dwp decision , waiting for the letter is making me really on edge, minor by most people on here but just my concerns at the moment

My gp rang me yesterday about the blood and anemia , no results from endoscopy samples and assume i will have a few taken tomorrow , i just hate bad news hanging over me , makes me anxious as hell

Answers soon i guess
Good luck!
I’m in a bad place and do want to get out but got my 17year old!! Everyday is killing me
I’m in a bad place and do want to get out but got my 17year old!! Everyday is killing me

You shouldn’t be feeling like this. Go and see your GP on Monday morning.

Breaking down in March 2020 was one of the most important things I’ve been through.
Good news , no bowel cancer and no active bleeding , she told me as took out the scope so couldnt have told me any quicker

Wont lie is was a very uncomfortable hour of my life but very doable with gas and air , only three or four times it really hurt as they were going round corners i think but just a few seconds and the gas and air was fine

Waiting for stomach samples but the big one was yesterday i reckon

Supersonic prep did indeed taste better than the first one last week , very heavy lemon taste but three litres was not easy , worked a treat though

Eating is lush !

My local hospital beats the one last week by every measure , last week was ok but more emphasis on keeping things moving and not really seeing you whereas my local keep checking on me before, during and after .all immigrants except for the one with the camera , according to the gov we dont need them coming here .....

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