Merson the Muppet

Merson crashed his car whilst pissed up the other month ! Why is he not in fucking jail ?
ChicagoBlue said:
Paul Merson said:
Daily Star, 28th January 2012

WHAT Mario Balotelli did to Scott Parker was disgraceful and he should have been banned for even longer than four games

He could have taken Parker’s eye out, stamping on his head like that. Only he will know if it was deliberate.

Did he fail to notice that this is what Crouch ACTUALLY tried to do to another player.
Should be interesting on S S (soccer Saturday) obviously going to give it rice about ballo but will they mention crouch?
royle said:
paulchapo said:
It certainly looks deliberate but i noticed something nobody has picked up on.As he is landing Modric pushes him in the back

Nobody in the media maybe,but it has been pointed out on here many times by many posters.

Merson saying Webb should be banned for not giving anything,he didn't give anything because he didn't see it,if he had watched the video properly he would know this.

I think his point was that Balotelli was reacting to the push and tried to "do" Modric, rather than trying to stamp on Parker's head. A view with which I agree btw. Still violent conduct though.
paulchapo said:
The stamp didn't look good and if deliberate it was a stupid thing to do.It certainly looks deliberate but i noticed something nobody has picked up on.As he is landing Modric pushes him in the back,causing him to lose balance.I think he kicked out at that rather than trying to do Parker.Still stupid though given his reputation and the way refs seem to have it in for us.

That is 7 games missed this season through suspension,almost a fifth of the season and no team can afford a player in their ranks that continues in that vein,no matter how good.

But yes Merson is a prick,why re hash it?It is over,he is serving the ban,end of.
Why any one cares what Merson says is odd. He's boring, not very articulate and very predictable.
Disappointed by this article. The Daily Star and Paul Merson have been at the forefront of cutting edge journalism for many a year. I won't be buying it again.
Fed up of the "Could have had is eye out" this is from an incident where people have no idea if Mario meant to do it and have proved he had no idea where Scott Parkers head was, Mario never looked ..

Of Course Peter Crouch raking his fingers across someones eyes is in no way deliberate or violent conduct.

I would love it (Keegan stylee) if we have won the league and have nothing to play for to handball on the half way to stop someone going through, rake fingers through someones eye, do a sliding challenge on a 50/50 and elbow someone and see what actions happen and see if my paranoia is true

FA have double standards. Ask if Mario had done what Crouch had done what would have happened. Even more bemusing is the fact I didnt even know about that incident until Sky said FA will not take action ?

Love the fact that some of the so called pundits say "Mario stamping" .... If anything it was ONE stamp. Cant remember who it was but something on the lines of "When Mario wasnt stamping City he did good for the team" ...

Its a pathetic witch hunt.
ChicagoBlue said:
Paul Merson said:
Daily Star, 28th January 2012

WHAT Mario Balotelli did to Scott Parker was disgraceful and he should have been banned for even longer than four games.

He could have taken Parker’s eye out, stamping on his head like that. Only he will know if it was deliberate.

But it didn’t look good to me – or to ­Manchester City either, otherwise they would have appealed.

For me, referee Howard Webb should be banned as well. He was standing right in line with it when it happened and didn’t give anything.

I find it hard to believe he didn’t see it. That seems very strange to me. But it’s only Balotelli who’s getting banned.

(Blah, Blah, Blah)

That stamp was out of order and if he keeps doing things like that it could end up costing City the title.

So, Merson thinks it was disgraceful, should have been banned for more than four games, but he states he has NO IDEA if it was deliberate?! What an idiot!

Then, to end the article, he calls it a "stamp"?!

So, I guess Merson is phoning it in these days, and is too crazy to understand even what HE THINKS!?!

What a bunch of gutter "journalism" about a week after it was a story!!

I hope Mario comes back and gets that extra goal against United, just so he can have the hat trick! Maybe a penalty? Yeah, a 95th minute penalty to win the Premiership!!

Yer were right with this sentence. Merson is an idiot, and, as a gentle, easy-going, tolerant kind of guy, the minute he appears on SSN with his moronic, illiterate and ill-considered knee-jerkers, I wish I was behind him in the studio armed with nothing but a simple standard baseball bat.

Is it part of his rehabilitation from D and D that Sky take him in on a Saturday afternoon. I cannot see any other walk of life where a moron like that would been employed. Or perhaps the Saturday SSN producer is a gooner! It passes all my understanding.

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