Messi in tunnel bust-up after game?

Messi and co always piss and moan to refs winning or losing, all the top teams do it. As for his antics in tunnel would people be saying the same shit if Barca player gloated to city player after our 4-0 defeat in there ground. Seems childish to me.
Wish I had hair to smell. Anyway, am I the only one that thought Barcelona were the worst cynical team we have played in recent seasons.

All you have to do is watch an El Classico or 2, the best way to describe it is that Suarez fits in perfectly, diving, cheating, crowding the ref, crap melees of pushing and shoving, snide fouls and awful lot that is wrong with modern football.
I read stats on how long actual play happens in the 90mins and some matches have literally half a match of football played. With that i would like to know the El Classico stats now that match has been mentioned, i bet some of them have really shockingly low 'in play' numbers.
The Times are leading with the story on the back page:


20 across, refract.... Stuck on one down )8
I read stats on how long actual play happens in the 90mins and some matches have literally half a match of football played. With that i would like to know the El Classico stats now that match has been mentioned, i bet some of them have really shockingly low 'in play' numbers.

Mate, you couldn't pay me to watch one of those matches.
Arteta was fist-pumping and shouting in the tunnel. Messi said: "Go and enjoy yourself in the dressing room. Do not do this here." [Sun]
Childish prick and a sore loser. I hope Arteta told him it was our fucking ground and he'll celebrate anywhere he fucking likes.

I've never given any serious that to what PLLK's hair smells like but weirdly, now I want to know ;-)

A heady mix of Vosene, Silk Cut, vics vapour rub and athletes foot powder.

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