Micah Richards the pundit

Nedum Onuoha for one. Despite being consistently articulate and insightful, he's routinely ignored by the MOTD producers. The likes of Micah Richards have their place but it's more likely to be a football magazine format programme aimed squarely at your average shallow Gen Z viewer with the attention span of a gnat.

You know, I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather Nedum stays right where he is, working in-house. Obviously, there's a lot less money in it, and a lot less exposure, but he doesn't have to put on any show, and I'm pretty sure he's not subject to the coaching and pressures that go with a multi-million pound enterprise like Sky. He has a margin for manœuvre, just saying simply what he's seen, clearly and articulately, without any frills.
Anyway, I'm never going to subscribe to Sky, or BT, or any of them.
When he “first burst on the scene” punditry wise. He used to have our back, even referring to us as we. He obviously had a word in his ear that if he carried on he wouldn’t have a job very long! Watching him now and he’s gone full sky sports mode bigging up the red shirts and brown nosing that scouse prick. Who gives a fuck though, imagine him playing now! He wouldn’t get anywhere near our current team he was like a bull in a China shop as a player. And he’s a terrible pundit so fuck him. Throws head back and does way over the top laugh
Things could have been worse last night. Micah and Keown could’ve been joined in the studio by a debutant pundit with even less insight than them…

Things could have been worse last night. Micah and Keown could’ve been joined in the studio by a debutant pundit with even less insight than them…

Flagged up Rooney on here last week after seeing the fat drunks attempt at punditry on Otus sports. If you think Micah's bad.....

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