Michael Johnson arrested again

whicko said:
Tom_mcfc said:
whicko said:
Lets hope you never become addicted to drink you prick, the guy needs help not slagging off, many people including very well respected business people become addicted to drink, think yourself lucky you haven't succumbed to it, do you think he can help himself?. How much must it hurt him seeing a glittering career going down the pan, it really is a sad situation and he doesn't need so called blues on his back.


Yes it must really hurt him the absolute wedge he has been paid for doing naff all. He should try having a real job with real stresses.

He has been his own worst enemy no one elses. The fact he, when he was first injured and out on the piss all the time ( quite often people seeing him out, myself included) shown how much he thought of his career and shows he doesn't give a toss.

You are defending someone who has been caught drink driving twice, these are times he's been caught god knows how many times he's done it. So not only is he determined to ruin his own life he wants to potentially ruin others.

I am a blue and will not act like them rag bastards, if this was Rooney I'm sure you would be up in arms just because Johnson was lucky enough to pull on the blue shirt that I love doesn't mean he gets my support in acting like a complete c*nt.

Tom you are not getting it, these people with addictions can't help themselves, they will do anything to get their next fix whether it be alcohol or drugs, they really do need help,if you want to give up cigs there are all sorts out there available from your doctor, alcohol is a different matter entirely, there is very little available apart from counselling and librium. If its any consolation he will probably get a prison sentence and both his vehicles confiscated and crushed not to mention a lengthy driving ban.

Which is the least he should get. Drink driving on several occasions is vile, he is lucky he didn't kill himself or anybody else.

I think we are talking about different things here though. I understand if he is a raging piss head it may be hard for him but I'm not being funny he could of got help if he wanted it and a long time ago. He obviously doesn't want it.

It bothers me because he was a promising youth product who has taken our money and repaid us zilch regardless of what the circumstances are he has taken the piss.
Still one more year of him stealing £30,000 a week off us. Had faith he might recover as recently as last summer when he went on loan to Leicester but it's clear he has no interest in being a footballer anymore - why can the club not sack him? Is he even called in to training anymore because I never see him on photos.
LoveCity said:
Still one more year of him stealing £30,000 a week off us. Had faith he might recover as recently as last summer when he went on loan to Leicester but it's clear he has no interest in being a footballer anymore - why can the club not sack him? Is he even called in to training anymore because I never see him on photos.
I think you'll find the club will be able to sack him when he's convicted, but even a Manchester City footballer is "innocent until proven guilty" ie when he either pleads guilty, or is convicted.

I would imagine he is training at the moment somewhere, even if its on his own, so they can't stop his pay, until they have a separate hearing within the club, and this can't prejudice any upcoming trial, same with all employers, that's employment law, and footballers are under the same employment rules as you and me.
whicko said:
Tom you are not getting it, these people with addictions can't help themselves, they will do anything to get their next fix whether it be alcohol or drugs, they really do need help,if you want to give up cigs there are all sorts out there available from your doctor, alcohol is a different matter entirely, there is very little available apart from counselling and librium. If its any consolation he will probably get a prison sentence and both his vehicles confiscated and crushed not to mention a lengthy driving ban.
No - they CAN help themsleves but choose not to. At some point, when they've reached a new low, it might trigger something in them that they need to take responsibility for their lives and the damage they inflict on themselves and others. Or it might not.

It's only human to feel sympathy for someone who is in the grip of an addiction but it's a kick up the arse they need not sympathy. In any case, there is a difference between having an alcohol addiction and breaking the law and risking the lives and well-being of others by drink-driving.
Although I do think the club should sack him, I also feel the club (and any other prem club) help provide some private healthcare service, maybe that place Tony Adams setup??

Clubs provide a lot of money to these young lads, completely changing their lifestyles in hope they will win matches.
Surely club(s) have some responsibility with their employees when they are throwing so much money into young lads bank accounts.
Not every player becomes an alcoholic, but I can guarantee many members of this forum have been alkies (or are) and many will have driven their car whilst pissed.

It is all about choices, and MJ is making the wrong ones, but he has health issues and those need addressing, preferably with experts such as the Tony Adams place.
whicko said:
Tom_mcfc said:
Blue Mist said:
Where have you heard this? I cant find anything on the 'net.
Also just a thought, instead of sacking him how about the club helping him. We have enough money to afford his wages now lets show we have some compassion and to be fair I think the club ARE showing that in bucketfuls so full marks to them.
The lads head is obviously in a bad place so please before the board descends into a 'Johnson out' campaign just think if it was your son/brother/mate.


I hope this is some sort of joke. We have supported this fat, gambling piss head time waster for far too long now. I've been saying it for years and now finally the majority agree.

Bin him off ASAP, if he has no club he has no income, no money means he might not be able to afford to get pissed 24/7 but even worse put other peoples lives at risk to then drive being bladdered.

Lets hope you never become addicted to drink you prick, the guy needs help not slagging off, many people including very well respected business people become addicted to drink, think yourself lucky you haven't succumbed to it, do you think he can help himself?. How much must it hurt him seeing a glittering career going down the pan, it really is a sad situation and he doesn't need so called blues on his back.
The only "prick" is the one that keeps drink driving and possibly you given the nature of your post.

As for "so called blues", he's a so called player. Fuck him off City.
And to think there was a long thread on here with people saying he should be supported and given the help he needs!!

He is a grade a **** and should be sacked if found guilty.

Waste of a genuine talent. Should have sold him to the dippers when they came calling

woops-apologies is the c word banned now?
Who says he's an alcoholic? It's a bit silly to accept that he's got an addiction without knowing the ins and outs.

I was aware of his gambling habits and am sure most of you are. I know he goes out a lot but by no means is he addicted to booze.

He's just binned his career. I highly doubt he's an alcoholic. I'd categorise him as an ungrateful wanker before alcoholic.
Prestwich_Blue said:
whicko said:
Tom you are not getting it, these people with addictions can't help themselves, they will do anything to get their next fix whether it be alcohol or drugs, they really do need help,if you want to give up cigs there are all sorts out there available from your doctor, alcohol is a different matter entirely, there is very little available apart from counselling and librium. If its any consolation he will probably get a prison sentence and both his vehicles confiscated and crushed not to mention a lengthy driving ban.
No - they CAN help themsleves but choose not to. At some point, when they've reached a new low, it might trigger something in them that they need to take responsibility for their lives and the damage they inflict on themselves and others. Or it might not.

It's only human to feel sympathy for someone who is in the grip of an addiction but it's a kick up the arse they need not sympathy. In any case, there is a difference between having an alcohol addiction and breaking the law and risking the lives and well-being of others by drink-driving.

Agree with this, fine if he wants to go get drunk every night, he has enough money to pay for a taxi/chauffeur though while he's doing it, no need to drive!!

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