Michael Johnson arrested again

Agreed. No one knows if he has an addiction. He might just fall into the category of thick arrogant football who thinks he can do what he wants.
Blue Mist said:
Where have you heard this? I cant find anything on the 'net.
Also just a thought, instead of sacking him how about the club helping him. We have enough money to afford his wages now lets show we have some compassion and to be fair I think the club ARE showing that in bucketfuls so full marks to them.
The lads head is obviously in a bad place so please before the board descends into a 'Johnson out' campaign just think if it was your son/brother/mate.

I read of this other offence in an article two days ago , it seems that he was daft enough to do it twice within a few months of each other earlier this year ...... so now he's facing the music over it.

Serves him right , he must have the brains of a rocking horse !
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Agreed. No one knows if he has an addiction. He might just fall into the category of thick arrogant football who thinks he can do what he wants.

MJ = He's only addicted to big monthly pay packets.

No doubt we'll be getting the 'warts and all' autobiography as soon as the money train stops. Let's see how much the piss-headed waster remembers then.

A very sad waste of talent - Too much too soon.
SWP's back said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
coleridge said:
The report was on the MUEN site [main news section] yesterday.

A sad end seems inevitably near. Are you watching AJ?

A sad end? This pisshead had a contract worth £12.5m. £7m after tax! He won the lottery the day he signed that.
I think he means to his career and/or life.

Indeed, that and what he could have done for the team back then if not now.

I wonder what Lakey thinks, the latter a top bloke many of us have met and saw in that last, fateful match. England U21 captain with a great future up to then. I thought we'd never see his like again in the shirt, back in those dark days. Contrast that with the idiot pisspot who may never have made the current team. Anyway, can't be arsed talking about MJ anymore. Bye and all that...
Not defending him in the slightest as he has/had a talent that he could have made millions from, even now he is doing better than most of us I would imagine. As a heavy drinker myself it is a serious addiction and one that is difficult to stop no matter what counciling or help you get, and I can only imagine that in MJ's case it is probably more difficult because of the money and hangers on he has available to him. As for the drink driving, again after enough bevy you become a different person, the common sense leaves and the "I'm fine" state takes over. I dont condone drink driving in any way but the majority of people who do it have left their senses behind. I apologise now for anyone who has been affected by this. No I realise now I am defending him a bit but I know the fine margins of being fine and being the life and soul of a party and being a complete arsehole and laughing stock. BTW I have never drunk driven...if that's a saying! and hope MJ is getting some help from people that can see what is happening to him. He was an idol to me years ago and was our hope of producing something good in the bad old days so lets not all shit on him when I'm sure he needs help. good luck MJ and hopefully you can put your life back on track.
We really don't know how much the club have done to try to rehabilitate this young man. But the fact that they have retained him on the playing staff has, so far, meant that they have some faith in him. Sadly that faith and confidence might be wearing a bit thin. What is clearly apparent is that ADUG don't tolerate anything which might besmirch the name of City. Witnessing any wasting of a talent is a dreadful shame and City have invested a great deal in MJ, but unfortunately they can't chaperone players 24/7.
ReturnoftheMac said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
Lost patience, drop kick the waste of oxygen over the nearest fence.

If you know him personally then you are entitled to your comment, if you don't know him personally then maybe keep your thoughts to yourself.

You don't have to know him personally to know that drink driving is wrong. Your first line in your post was you are not defending him in the slightest however you have followed that up with a long post defending him and replying to other peoples messages defending him.
ReturnoftheMac said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
Lost patience, drop kick the waste of oxygen over the nearest fence.

If you know him personally then you are entitled to your comment, if you don't know him personally then maybe keep your thoughts to yourself.

Errr, it's an Internet forum not mothers coffee morning. There are lots of people with addictions and they should get all the help they need. His employers have been more than helpful now is the time to get rid. He can then get help from specialists etc if that is what he wants? For example, we used to employ a fork lift driver with a drink problem. We did ty over a period of a couple of years to help but he wouldn't change and in the end he had to go

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