Michael Johnson

Clubber said:
How is being injured his fault you dick.

People go on about the lad having a drink, but this had nothing to do with his injuries.

People want players to be loyal, but why should they be, when fans like yourself show no loyalty to them when they are on hard times.

He doesn't like being injured and I bet he would love to be playing.

Who said being injured was his fault?
Clubber said:
How is being injured his fault you dick.

People go on about the lad having a drink, but this had nothing to do with his injuries.

People want players to be loyal, but why should they be, when fans like yourself show no loyalty to them when they are on hard times.

He doesn't like being injured and I bet he would love to be playing.

So you are happy to have someone on the wage bill who hasn't played in years and is showing no signs of returning to playing? On top of going out and getting bladdered whilst he should be in recovery and doing everything possible to get back to fitness.

This is my point of a youth product and someone else. Santa Cruz is even nicknamed Crocky on here which surely his injuries aren't his fault either?
Tom_mcfc said:
Dubai Blue said:
Tom_mcfc said:
It's always nice when a lad comes through the ranks and proves to be a gem which is what Jonno looked like however if it was anyone else other than a youth product that was injured for this long and preferred to go out on the piss every weekend then there would be uproar on here.
There was plenty of uproar on here when that's what he was doing.

Yet someone like Santa Cruz gets slated who has been injured and failed to make an impact, but has chosen to move on to play football elsewhere rather than steal a living from us?

That comment alone proves you are a complete dick.

Johnson came through the ranks and got 2 bad knee injuries. We paid £19m for Santa Cruz who had 2 bad knee injuries and he did fuck all.
So having a bad knee injury should mean he has to be teetotal, ridiculous!

As long as he gets back to full fitness in time for returning to play after his injury is all he needs to do. It's not as if he can do any fitness training and the last I heard he was getting his weight back down.

Plus, you hear very few reports of him being on the piss now, used to be up almost every week but haven't seen any for ages.
nevilletogoater-in said:
Tom_mcfc said:
Dubai Blue said:
There was plenty of uproar on here when that's what he was doing.

Yet someone like Santa Cruz gets slated who has been injured and failed to make an impact, but has chosen to move on to play football elsewhere rather than steal a living from us?

That comment alone proves you are a complete dick.

Johnson came through the ranks and got 2 bad knee injuries. We paid £19m for Santa Cruz who had 2 bad knee injuries and he did fuck all.

Mark Hughes brought Santa Cruz knowing full well what he was buying after managing him at Blackburn. Santa Cruz isn't the one that wasted money, it was Mark Hughes
Niall2407 said:
nevilletogoater-in said:
Tom_mcfc said:
Yet someone like Santa Cruz gets slated who has been injured and failed to make an impact, but has chosen to move on to play football elsewhere rather than steal a living from us?

That comment alone proves you are a complete dick.

Johnson came through the ranks and got 2 bad knee injuries. We paid £19m for Santa Cruz who had 2 bad knee injuries and he did fuck all.

Mark Hughes brought Santa Cruz knowing full well what he was buying after managing him at Blackburn. Santa Cruz isn't the one that wasted money, it was Mark Hughes

My point was that Santa Cruz gets slated because he cost us £19m and is shit. It's the same for Jo.

Johnson cost us fuck all and whilst he might be earning a wage and never looking like playing for us again, it won't be anywhere near as much as RSC & Jo.

I agree it was the managers fault for bringing him in.
Just been looking through the OPs post history, he only seems to pop up from off topic to spew bile about some of our players. Going back over quite a few pages I don't see any positive posts about any player and Johno seems to be his preferred target now.

Obviously he seems to think supporting the team is about whinging like a twat and getting a boo boy that he can slate.
MJ signed a contract and City are paying him. That's how it works.

If City thought he was breaking his contract in any way they'd have the right to sack him, but they haven't so the player must be honouring his side of it.

So what's the problem?

Nobody forces clubs to sign expensive contracts in the full knowledge that a player could be injured the next day and never kick a ball in return for millions of pounds.
urmston said:
MJ signed a contract and City are paying him. That's how it works.

If City thought he was breaking his contract in any way they'd have the right to sack him, but they haven't so the player must be honouring his side of it.

So what's the problem?

Nobody forces clubs to sign expensive contracts in the full knowledge that a player could be injured the next day and never kick a ball in return for millions of pounds.

Well said Urmston.

Johnno is training hard and he lost the weight he put on after the first injury. The club pay him and they know what goes on, leave the lad alone. The OP seems to have an agenda when it comes to some of our players.

Good luck Johnno and I hope you get back very soon.
I seem to remember johnson was on about 12k a week and Hughes looked to double his wages to fend off Arsenal and Liverpool who all showed interest in him. Mancini obviously see's some potential in him as well and i'm sure that the lad would rather be playing football , i'm pretty should the club would have had i'm out the door in no time if he was the raving alky a few on here seem to believe good job WW1s over I wouldn't have fancied being in the trench's with some of the back stabbers on here.

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