Michael Johnson.....

Lee-ManCity said:
stony said:
Lee-ManCity said:
do you smile on every single picture that is taken of you? you wasnt there so you cant comment on the situation. on the pointing thing, and at the time i was saying 'this guy has played for my club'. anything wrong with that no?

You had that picture taken so you could come on here and ridicule him. Well done, what a great bloke you are.

hang about did i put the picture on here? there you go again throwing comments about without backing them up.

No offence fella but if you put the picture on Twatter theres a very good chance it will end up on here.
Does anyone know what exactly the abdominal issue is?

A lot of abdominal issues get treated with steroids that make you balloon up a lot.

Until all the facts are out I'll reserve judgement on the lad as i doubt its as easy as "who ate all the pies" and "he likes a few drinks"
Plain Speaking said:
dancity19 said:
Plain Speaking said:
Last year two ex-rugby players from Sale Sharks, (David Tait and Selorm Kuadey), both in their mid twenties apparently committed suicide, when they had to retire early through injury.
There has been much criticism that the rugby club should have down much more to provide counciling and support to players unable to continue with their careers.
I would hope our club can learn from such tradjedies and give our players top level care and support physically and mentally.

Awful. Really is horrible.

However, do people on this thread know more about the Johnson situation than I clearly do. Why has it moved into talks of suicide and depression etc?

Is this just complete and utter guesswork as to what he could be going through? Seems a bit intense to be now suggesting Johnson is a suicide worry...??

This is in no way meant to belittle the situation, or indeed make light of the issue, or the issue of suicide.

Just wondering why the thread has taken the turn, and perhaps I have missed a couple of pages?
I'm saying the club has a duty to support him. It's an indication the club are not providing sufficient support when he is so obviously obese.

I know. I wasn't talking only about your post. Just seems the thread was heading that way, and I was wondering why.

To play devils advocate: perhaps they did provide him support, occassion after occassion.
Each time, he threw it back in their faces, didn't take advice, didn't turn up for meetings, training, conditioning, physio appointments.
Perhaps he was seen out drinking time after time after time.
Eventually they gave up on him, a sad case, but a lost case.

No I have no idea if that is true, but it could be, we could have provided all the support to him, and he simply wasn't interested..?
Plain Speaking said:
dancity19 said:
Plain Speaking said:
Last year two ex-rugby players from Sale Sharks, (David Tait and Selorm Kuadey), both in their mid twenties apparently committed suicide, when they had to retire early through injury.
There has been much criticism that the rugby club should have down much more to provide counciling and support to players unable to continue with their careers.
I would hope our club can learn from such tradjedies and give our players top level care and support physically and mentally.

Awful. Really is horrible.

However, do people on this thread know more about the Johnson situation than I clearly do. Why has it moved into talks of suicide and depression etc?

Is this just complete and utter guesswork as to what he could be going through? Seems a bit intense to be now suggesting Johnson is a suicide worry...??

This is in no way meant to belittle the situation, or indeed make light of the issue, or the issue of suicide.

Just wondering why the thread has taken the turn, and perhaps I have missed a couple of pages?
I'm saying the club has a duty to support him. It's an indication the club are not providing sufficient support when he is so obviously obese.

Or maybe they've rubbed their hands of him because he's a prick?
There is help out there but it's obvious that he doesn't want it.
Plain Speaking said:
I'm saying the club has a duty to support him. It's an indication the club are not providing sufficient support when he is so obviously obese.
How do you know the club are not supporting him and trying to get him in shape
And he just isnt interested?
I don't know what the kid's situation is concerning the drink, but we could be making an incorrect assumption that his demons relate to his injury. Who knows what personal issues he's been facing?
Something dosent quote add up here for me!

Why would the club tell him not to bother reporting anymore (in a sense banishing him from MCFC) but still continue to pay him £30k/wk? for the next year and a half? That works out at over £2.3m!

Surley they would have grounds to terminate his contract with the 2 drink drive cases. I would also imagine he has a clause in his contract regarding his weight/ general fitness? You constantly hear about players being fined for being a couple of pound over weight, nevermind a few stones.

I know it sounds heartless and I'm not saying that's what they should do, but with the current FFP and our sky high wage bill, I just cant understand why they would throw good money after bad if they dont have to.

It aperars that the club have tried to help in the past (agreeing loan deals & sending him to training camps in Abu Dhabi etc), but it obvoiusly isnt working.

Either way I hape he can get dorted and continue playing at any level
The cookie monster said:
Plain Speaking said:
I'm saying the club has a duty to support him. It's an indication the club are not providing sufficient support when he is so obviously obese.
How do you know the club are not supporting him and trying to get him in shape
And he just isnt interested?
An unfortunate choice of phrase, but you can lead a horse to water but you can;t make it drink. Perhaps the club is trying to get him sorted out, but maybe he isn't in a space where he is willing to acknowledge that he needs help and accepts that help?
Plain Speaking said:
I'm saying the club has a duty to support him. It's an indication the club are not providing sufficient support when he is so obviously obese.

The first thing you learn about behaviours like addiction is that you can provide as much support as you want but the only person who can help is the person themselves. If he doesn't want to help himself and doesn't have the desire or motivation to regain his proper weight and fitness then no amount of support can change that. In fact there is a strong argument for withdrawing support in order to let someone fall even lower in the hope that this wakes them up to their problems.
dancity19 said:
Plain Speaking said:
dancity19 said:
Awful. Really is horrible.

However, do people on this thread know more about the Johnson situation than I clearly do. Why has it moved into talks of suicide and depression etc?

Is this just complete and utter guesswork as to what he could be going through? Seems a bit intense to be now suggesting Johnson is a suicide worry...??

This is in no way meant to belittle the situation, or indeed make light of the issue, or the issue of suicide.

Just wondering why the thread has taken the turn, and perhaps I have missed a couple of pages?
I'm saying the club has a duty to support him. It's an indication the club are not providing sufficient support when he is so obviously obese.

I know. I wasn't talking only about your post. Just seems the thread was heading that way, and I was wondering why.

To play devils advocate: perhaps they did provide him support, occassion after occassion.
Each time, he threw it back in their faces, didn't take advice, didn't turn up for meetings, training, conditioning, physio appointments.
Perhaps he was seen out drinking time after time after time.
Eventually they gave up on him, a sad case, but a lost case.

No I have no idea if that is true, but it could be, we could have provided all the support to him, and he simply wasn't interested..?
Fair comment.
As our aim is to be top club in the world, we should be aiming for the highest standards in all aspects of our club and our player's welfare.
I realise he is an adult and you cannot force him, perhaps he has addictions?
I was trying to say we should continue to offer him support. For such a good young player it is very sad.

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